I hate to say it, but she is spitting some facts and made an acceptable summation of the situation given she is an outsider. She lost all goodwill once she went physical though, and to do it on a pivotal reunion too. Prez hugging Tomoko was probably the moment I realized this series has heart.
No she isn't. Tomoko has put in a ton of effort into making and keeping friends, she has worked harder than anyone to get over her crippling metal illness-level of social anxiety and some jealous bint comes along and accuses her of being lazy and not earning it just because Tomoko is not appearance-maxing to her standard.
The old Tomoko used to value "popularity" above all else judging people solely based on some imagined hierarchy, current Tomoko values her friends as people. She didn't even realize she was popular until long after it happened because she was enjoying the people in her life and by then she did not care about hierarchies. Mitsuki is still stuck in Tomoko's old mindset, if she valued her friendships instead of worrying about the popularity game and who "deserves" to win it then she would not care at all how many people Tomoko is friends with.
She isn't spitting facts, she's seething like a self absorbed chump.