Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

Active member
Jun 1, 2018
lmao comparing vol 1 cover to now its like a completely different manga and I love it
Oct 13, 2018
every chapter after the school field trip arc always gets me more excited or at least keeps being interesting to read the next.. hope they'll always keep the weird stuff just as tidy as it's going right now...
Nov 29, 2018
Huh, can you guys explain to me what exactly do you find entertaining about this Manga anymore? After the school trip arc finished I've just noticed a sharp decline in the art, comedy and even plot department, outside of a couple of new characters with interesting personalities everyone is even more of a cardboard cut-out than the gray blob that used to populate the school in earlier chapters and the one main drive of the manga - namely, the cringe-worthy protagonist and oblique references - barely exist anymore.
Yet I see page after page of people commending the new direction, really connecting with the main character - who barely changed anything in her life, which I've heard people claiming she has developed her character, yet she seems just as much of a jerk from the earlier parts, maybe a bit more able to read the mood and keep her mouth shut - and overall having a grand time. And don't get me wrong, I have nothing against adding a lot of different characters or radically changing the themes if they feel like a natural change of pace, I'll be the first to admit that outside of occasional stints into newer fads Watamote started getting repetitive, but it all seems pretty much a shallow copy of what made it special.

Am I stupid? Is there really something deeper in these new volumes that I'm just too thick to get? Tell me, cause I really wanna know.
Jan 16, 2019
it doesn't need to to be deep or anything, she has grown so much that i 'm just cool with any sort of chill harem-ish chapters
Aggregator gang
Nov 8, 2018

Tomoko hasn't changed that much (I mean, she's gotten nicer and better at communicating with people, but she's still the Tomoko we know and love), but she's grown to accept herself for who she is rather than trying so hard to fix herself and make herself popular.
Nov 29, 2018
Is that so... I think I understand now. I'll have to read back to back the whole thing to make sure, but it's probably as you said. She actually is a bit less insensitive and no chapter past the xth one is she interested in impressing anyone, especially not the boys (though you may chalk it up to this being an issue with the new direction).
Thank you for your reply. I still don't think the manga is any better in the art or plot departments, but I think I get people's feelings about the series a bit more with what you said.

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