I like how you changed the fonts for certain tones, but the main font was a bit off of the one that most translators use (Wildwords); however I don't understand why people are calling itt atrocious.
I don't get it either. It reads perfectly fine, and I do love the change in fonts. It helps emphasize the tonal shifts really well. I mean, the scans are a bit small, but everything else is fine.
Just because you dont understand how to make a bomb, doesn't mean you'd be fine with watching someone else make it wrong if you DID know how to make one.
Damn so much ppl crying hard for something that was actually understandable
If you have so much problems with sniping fcking dont read this version, jesus christ its not like its the end of the world
People are allowed to upload whatever they want, so its only fair that i'm aloud to have a chuckle and explain why its bad. If people can upload snipes and say as they please, than I am ALSO entitled to say and do as I please. Scanlation is a hobby, and a lot of artistry goes into the process which is not properly appreciated or understood by commenters who think they know better, or first timers who upload stuff like this without understanding our etiquette or what goes into making a good scan.
On the topic of what could be better about this upload;
The main font, KG Swanky and Moo Moo, a lowercase font, is not meant to be used in the way the uploader used it. If you don't believe me, just look at how the A's and Y's stand out. This font was clearly NOT meant to be used allcaps as a comic dialogue or narration font! Even though wildwords is overused, at least wildwords was actually designed to be used as a comic book font for dialogue/narration, unlike KG Swanky and Moo Moo. The only other font used is not a good fit at all, its not clear to me why this choice was made, i suspect the uploader chose it at random, because there are much better fonts for pretty much any relevant purpose.
The actual typesetting itself, however, I will say more on. The reason the typesetting for this scan is so bad isnt just because they used a decorative font, its because whoever did the typesetting clearly doesn't know the first thing about typesetting. The leading is too wide, which results in a comically large amount of space between the lines of text. The lining is pretty terrible in places. The fact that whoever made this took a lowercase font and only used the uppercase characters is a pretty clear indication that there is no knowledge of typesetting at play here. Sizing is bad, shaping is bad, the whole thing is bad.
The script is also not good. Frequently words dont have spaces between them, theres a lack of punctuation throughout, tons of sentences dont flow well and a few straight up dont make sense, or seem to have been translated too literally. I'm not gonna dig up a copy of the raws to check the actual accuracy of the TL itself, but i'd be willing to bet the accuracy does not stray far in terms of quality from the rest of the scan. The low effort redrawing is noticeable, and there wasn't even much to redraw in this chapter, and the use of low quality raws is bad. The whole point of manga is that you get to look at the pretty pictures, not low rez free raws that have been jpg'd to hell and back.
In total, this upload has all the markings of not only an amature scan, which is fair enough, but also of a no effort scan, which is not good, especially from a snipe that calls out another group. If i had a dollar for every no skill no effort snipe from a one-and-done uploader that does not understand or even try to understand what makes a good scan, i'd be a rich man. I hope that if the uploader does decide to stick with scanlation they dedicate some serious time to research the elements of a good scan. Just because people are saying mean things about the scan, that doesn't mean you should close your eyes and pretend its a good scan and reach for nice things to say about it when you're clearly even less aware of how to make a scan than the uploader.