Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - What I Hate…

May 14, 2018
Nooo T_T don't leave.


Now on a more serious note. I totally understand that the other translator is basically doing something nice by giving us readers the chance to read this wonderful manga, as well as your sentiment in not wanting to work on something when someone else is already doing it. It's perfectly understandable but it's still very very regrettable to see you drop it.
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
@nico-chi @Alenas @mabou I'm not from Tapioca, but speaking as a scanlator, when someone snipes a manga from you that you're obviously actively working on, and it's only been a mere month since your last release, it really doesn't feel good. For the sniper who says "oh I'll drop it if the other scanlator asks" is facetious at best. They would have reached out to the active scanlator in the first place if they really felt that way. It's not that hard to send a DM.

When people snipe, no matter their good or bad intentions, this is usually what happens. To any snipers out there who think "oh I'll just release a few chapters and the OG group can just release behind me for better quality", just know it rarely turns out that way. No group wants to scanlate something someone's already done, even if the sniper's quality is poorer. Most readers don't care if a series gets sniped, they just want to read, and if it's there, they'll read it, so why do it again. It really takes the wind out of your sails, and without motivation, the original group will drop, just like this. This is the sniper culture that has developed in the community "faster is better", "competition will make releases go faster", "who cares if someone else is actively working on it, I want it now", etc. While it may not be you individually, your community did this, and this is what you get. it's not anyone's fault, the community just evolved this way, so this is what we're stuck with right now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jul 9, 2020
The content of Kudou and Saimori-papa's conversation is completely different here. See, I told you guys there's no way it could be "nonsensical" in the raws.
Jan 19, 2018
@Solistia - as a scanlator myself, I know very well what that feels like. The groups I've been in had some of the stuff we worked on sniped numerous times and yes, it takes away from your motivation and makes all your efforts feel like they were in vain. But then again, we also continued on most of the sniped projects because at the end of the day - we liked the project and we enjoyed working on them, not for the readers but ourselves. The readers' praise and compliments were simply an added bonus.

On the other hand, none of us have any rights to claim any ownership over the projects so if someone does want to snipe it or whatever, they can, as rude and mean as it can be. We're all doing this mostly as a hobby and basically illegally so saying someone else can't also work on something we work on would be hypocritical and nonsensical. There should be something as a scanlator etiquette but, well, not everyone adheres to it and unfortunately, there will always be people who will only want to do it for the popularity or impatience.
I am also therefore one of the people who doesn't mind waiting for the better versions because I know how much time and effort goes into every single thing done on a chapter but I also respect the scanlator's choice to give up on a project they no longer wish to work on. It's a shame, but it is what it is. Like you said - there will always be readers who won't care who does it and how, as long as it gets done as quickly as possible. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
@Alenas Indeed a scanlator etiquette would be great, but sadly, this is the internet, and we all know how people behave on the internet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I know I can't stop it, I just personally don't like sniping because the reasons for sniping are usually almost always "I can't wait" (or the malevolent "this is popular so I'm gonna be popular translating it", but it's usually the former). This world has lost its patience, and it makes me very sad.

I am perfectly fine with concurrent releases, if multiple groups love the series enough to put in the effort to translate the whole thing from beginning to end (or the beginning where the previous group has dropped it), absolutely fine, no qualms whatsoever. It's these people that step on the efforts of current groups without putting in the previous work themselves that grinds my gears. But again, there's zero we can do about it, I can complain all I want, but in the end, it doesn't even matter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Double-page supporter
Jan 3, 2019
Thank you so much for your hardwork till now. I truly appreciate your scanlation quality.
Active member
Apr 25, 2018
The ML is somewhat redeeming himself. Punishing her family for the way they treated her is sweet justice, though it could never be enough. Meanwhile my dislike of the childhood friend is deepening, as he made all these promises about protecting her and proceeded to do nothing.
Double-page supporter
Sep 24, 2018
We all know that they, the scummy, will test his patience…! 🤣
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019
I liked the scanlation group, they were so wholesome in their discord, kinda sad to see them let it go

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