@nico-chi @Alenas @mabou I'm not from Tapioca, but speaking as a scanlator, when someone snipes a manga from you that you're obviously actively working on, and it's only been a mere month since your last release, it really doesn't feel good. For the sniper who says "oh I'll drop it if the other scanlator asks" is facetious at best. They would have reached out to the active scanlator in the first place if they really felt that way. It's not that hard to send a DM.
When people snipe, no matter their good or bad intentions, this is usually what happens. To any snipers out there who think "oh I'll just release a few chapters and the OG group can just release behind me for better quality", just know it rarely turns out that way. No group wants to scanlate something someone's already done, even if the sniper's quality is poorer. Most readers don't care if a series gets sniped, they just want to read, and if it's there, they'll read it, so why do it again. It really takes the wind out of your sails, and without motivation, the original group will drop, just like this. This is the sniper culture that has developed in the community "faster is better", "competition will make releases go faster", "who cares if someone else is actively working on it,
I want it now", etc. While it may not be you individually, your community did this, and this is what you get. it's not anyone's fault, the community just evolved this way, so this is what we're stuck with right now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯