Is this one of those stories where MC is the only halfway decent person of the male variety?
I haven't read past this chapter, but I fear you're right. This is just overall horrible writing.
First, the author's writing style for conversations and thoughts of characters is atrocious. "An introverted loner like myself can't gauge reasonable distances with others!". Even if a person has low self-esteem and thinks this way overall, this is awkward wording from the author. And that's not the only example.
Then there's this example you pointed out. The first and so far only two girl characters with any name, description, or personality are these good, nice people that need to be saved. Every single male character with a face other than the MC, Akira, is a total scumbag or at least an unlikeable delinquent. Automatic.
You know what's worse? Miran praises Shizuka as someone who doesn't judge based on appearances. What's Shizuka's FIRST reaction? Herp deep, Miran, this girl I met one single time, seems nice, so I must interfere and uncover the "truth" because there MUST be more to this.
Holy crap, this writing is so bad.