I would just like to say, this chapter made me so frustrated from the plot twist, that I went to the nearest gas station and applied for a job. I'm going to be honest, that ever since I had graduated high school, I haven't decided on going to college or getting a job at all. I was mostly at home, taking care of my dad who was ill, and I was alright with that until my dad had passed away. Since then I've been living like a bum, doing nothing but playing games, reading manga, watching anime, reading fanfiction, etc. Living like a bum. This morning, I had the thought of getting a job, but of course I could never muster the motivation, nor the nerve. I was always occupied with the thought, "Man I don't want to work." Or "I don't want to go to school, what would I even study for?" I have been reading this manga for the past week or two trying to catch up to the latest chapter. Until this chapter. And until the plot twist of the red haired protagonist guy. The utter frustration and disbelief made me curse out multiple times in my own house, punching air, punching pillows. And then I had this thought. "That's it. I'm getting a fucking job." The utter frustration and disbelief fucking made me get dressed, tie my hair up, walk to the gas station near me and ask if they were hiring. I am pissed. The fuck off. I had just come back and dressed back into home clothes and I'm here I am typing this now. Yet I'm still so fucking pissed off. Man Fucking Fuck. Just fuck fcuk you dog author ufcking fuck man. FUck