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Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
Really weird that the almost raped girl decides to remove her armor and go around with clothes so open, probably no bra and showing a lot of leg.
I'm not a girl, please don't go wild on me, but I think a almost victim of sexual abuse would rise their guard after that type of thing, not throw it away.
She was assaulted when wearing full armor so some people would say it doesn't help much, but this fashion change is too much, at least in my opinion.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Another adventurer kicked out of his party? Meh I couldn't care less, especially because it's a cooking manga.

Maybe she can run away faster without heavy armor? Or shoulda buy a chastity belt.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
Another manga about the strongest/most important member of the group being kicked out for seemingly no reason, Like they aren't even trying to have the beginning make sense, Why would every single one of his teammates agree with the obviously evil member, There are so many of these right now and I don't think there's a single one that's actually been fully finished yet.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
@monkey123 maybe she bought a anti-rape magical device with the little money that remained in her pocket because other than that the only logical reason the author had for making her show all that skin after the ugly event is fanservice to the reader and that scraps away her knight job.
Wearing nice clothes after developing a crush on MC goes too but as I said, the change after all that just doesn't hold up, she should be trying to get a new job, search some female companions/party, do low rank quests for at least get some money.
I guess she will become another wraitess at the restaurant or join with other outcasts coming in the next chapters and under the guide of MC become a decent party.
Feb 24, 2019
as iseikai trash as you can get.
only in stupid iseikai world can there be an unanimously vote to remove what seems to be your only logistics and chef member
ofc hes secretly op and he finds a loli slave
this mang def wins iseikai bingo checks all the boxes.
sure its no reincarnation but ofc hes making japanese food for some reason.

also why the hell did the girl stop wearing armor? is she broke or something now? she claimed that she did it to hide her identity , so does she not use armor normally as a front line swordsman? what the fuck?
Active member
Oct 16, 2018
@sedition You can actually infer a few things from the beginning. He is not the strongest member of his party. He is just a strong member like the others. If I had to guess then his strength was something no one could say no to without real reason. The dick knight who sees his class a chef as a lesser class uses this as a chance to kick him out. The others go along with it because self preservation will always win out in those situations. Not the most groundbreaking start but its something. Personally enjoy another manga where the group were all outcast and don't trust humans with each of them having a backstory on why.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2019
Well you know what they say "if the food taste like crap then I am not coming back" I would leave the instant the chef got kicked
Feb 16, 2020
Wow comments really let loose on this manga. I read a ton of fantasy manga, this is hardly one of the worst. You all are just bitter.

Also, was this dropped? I'd like to keep reading though...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
This is really nice! The first chapters start is pretty unoriginal but everything after that is pretty nice!
May 11, 2018
Finally a male mc with no harem...(I hope🙏 )
At least he is not the protag always lamenting he wants a quiet life while being OP and attracts harem (so far)

Fanservice is totally unnecessary tho
Jan 20, 2018
I don't quite see the significance of
giving up on reaching level 100
—was that a goal that the two of them agreed upon in the meeting where they joined the troop? It appears to have some sort of deep meaning to them, but we were never told anything about it.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
Lol, why are people so upset how this story started?
The leader got upset at key pillar MC, because top female guild person loved MC more than leader, therefore leader setup MC to be removed.
It's unoriginal but it works to move the narrative along.

Honestly, their are only so many ways to write an opening where a guy gets kicked out of a guild, but everyone who uses this site always have weird, very high expectations that each story must start with an original and thought provoking beginning. I think that stems more so from the nature of this medium as most stories will never be fully translated or be given proper endings, leaving many people to fully judge these stories solely on their beginnings. But that's my personal opinion.

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