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Nov 19, 2020
I'm glad I found this series. You get a range of characters and so far a good storyline. I got to the most current chapter and was so sad there wasn't more, but at least I have something to look forward to reading!
Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2019
So, the whole thing is about
the powerful wanted to get rid of the disciple chef by using his former friends and some strong bunch of people to lower his guard. His adoptive mom and the ones he rescued after getting in and out of parties or can't seem to find their true nature become his closest aide...
And all of this stemming from the party leader kicking him out and he finally got himself the quiet life he always wanted and finding his true nature in the process, reaching Lv. 100

C-tier "gets kicked out of the party with MC discovering their untamed abilities afterwards" trope. Good read without too much thinking involved.

Thanks for the translation.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2023
Good mango, good story, good and badass MC, definitely worth a reading.

It would become a 10/10 to me if the story went harem route because there's so many cute girls around him, but alas... :meguuusad:
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
The manga is just good.. sure the MC is OP, but at least it tries to stick to win over by food or something as possible. The plot is good, not great just good, but what I like is that at least it isn't some trashy isekai with op mc and brain dead harem troupe. It's just a laid back, slice of life, cooking manga with plot.
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
This manga is a pile of steaming crap. And it pains me to say that, it was so much fun in the beginning.
It's supposed to be a fluffy, slice of life feelsgood manga. And it would be good! It was good!

But then as the chapters go on.... you get villains... and evil people. And politicians. And pointless drama.
And it's the kind of contrived crap where for some reason the MC and his "gang" of children helpers has to solve all problems, nobody ever helps, nobody ever faces the consequences. And everything, literally everything is always forgiven.

No, just no. Seriously just no.
Double-page supporter
Sep 17, 2023
I like several parts of this series but it grinds on me how often the plot revolves around a problem that no one will solve and the main characters will specifically choose to not solve it until it festers to the point that it can no longer be ignored. At which point they go out of their way to make it as difficult as possible for themselves before finally solving it. There's something to be said for having the sort of drama that people do in real life where they create their own problems but it's difficult to just watch this constant self-flagellation, it makes the characters less sympathetic to me.

I'm also concerned that writing this way will tend to risk crossing the line into deus ex machina territory. It's either that or people who are on the MC side are willingly abetting this masochistic behavior for some reason when they finally step in and reveal they were willing and able to assist all along.

To a lesser extent it's a little weird how much the culinary arts are being set on a pedestal. Not surprising considering the theme of the series but it's so heavily emphasized you'd think this country literally only exists for the sake of the person granted the title of Palace Chef. (as of writing this they haven't revealed much about the initial person with this title, so I don't know what will happen when we start seeing titles change hands).
Dec 19, 2023
Hey, was wondering, since I started to read and all but, do the party that kicked him off gets some sort of comeuppance in the end for being cowards?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2018
What is it with manga that a have some form of basis in being about cooking and devolving into politics and drama?
Was this author actually a fan of Shokugeki no Soma/Food Wars and didn't see how much of a mess that became later in the story?
I am only reading this now because I'm waiting for this 'MC in Jail' Namek arc to end...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Literally, a great manga that is dragged down by a constant parade of "new villain of the week". Every chapter, there is a new jerkoff/c*cksucker just gunning for this little restaurant and it's little crew of workers. Why? Some how someone associated with the restaurant is associated with said jerkoff/c*cksucker, who want's contrived "retribution". And said jerkoff/c*cksucker almost never get punished effectively.

It gets really tiresome which is a real shame because the premise is really good. Just this constant need of the mangaka to hamfist drama where drama shouldn't be. It would be like a kid opening up a lemonade stand and having everyone from the neighbors calling the cops to the governor of the state coming in to curbstomp the kid into the ground.

It's not believable, it's contrived as hell and it made me drop this manga like a bad habit.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I advise everyone who are still following this manga, to drop their ratings. A 8/10 for this trainwreck is undeserving :/
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
Stay away from this crap. This manga is pure garbage. Like, maaaaaybe a 2/10

Started AMAZING as a cute slice of life thing, then became a SLOW "let's fight the cartonish villain of the week" kind of thing.

And yes it's one of those mangas where the villains always get away with it and never really pay much for anything and everything is forgiven, to the point that the main cast seems made of total retards.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
A chef being an adventurer was a fun premise, but at this point chefs are the pinnacle of political power. This is just dumb.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Avoid. This is as of chapter 45, titled "Sincerity VI". Sincerely, avoid.

The writing from chapter 1 already had some major believability plotholes, but by around 25 chapters, that's all that's left. And there's always more characters creating more holes, both newly introduced and already existing characters.

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