what are your views on incest and ppl getting arrested coz of it?

Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Marrying my sister to pwn the evangelicals 😎!

Incest was unfortunately quite common throughout history.

The mythical Incubus is thought to have been invented to prevent men from being lynched for raping family members.

Over time it became less common.

Cousin fucking was quite common in areas where pickings were slim.

Ashkenazi Jews had a history of this due to being corralled into our villages in Europe way back when.
Greater Asia has a history of cousin fucking mainly due to familial/filial nonsense.
Iceland requires genetic testing before a couple can get married nowadays due to population issues. Pregnant women are tested to make sure an abortion isn’t necessary.
Monarchs around the world kept power in the family by fucking their siblings or even parents. The fear of being usurped by commoners was somewhat justified but still, gross.
Mothers in Africa masturbate and fellate their sons as infants and toddlers due to cultural beliefs.
The Aboriginals in Australia are thought to be products of heavy generational incest.
India allows cousin marriage to this day.
The Middle East allows it as well.

In regards to Darwin, he was not mentally well iirc.

I think it’s horrific to do any of that stuff, but some people think otherwise.
Should they be allowed to do this stuff?
No. It’s creepy and disgusting.
May 8, 2020
Quite a interesting question (I don't know if it is a joke thread or a serious one but I will be aware of both possibilities)
Well my religion and even my country in general don't condemn incestuous relationships between cousins and stuff (my country actually is one hell of a weird one because it basically says in the constitution that as long as they are adults no incestuous relationships are forbidden even siblings) but it is becoming more and more uncommon but it is not yet that bad seen.

I personally don't understand why europeans have such mortal hate against incest, because common guys like 80yrs ago wasn't that much of a deal and people with money or living on rural areas basically marry with each other's kin for a hella long time.

For one side I personally found a bit weird but for another perspective I don't really care about 2 adults doing the stuff that they want as long as it is consensual (the family of my father is a mess because of this stuff so I maybe am a bit biased). And the genetically problems... Well if I explain all the nuances would be to boring, but basically it is a gambling/luck/odds, you can marry your sister and your son marry your daughter and things be fine and you can marry someone from another country and your offspring get a deadly disease, of course the odds between close kin is more high than with unrelated people, but again odds :) the best example that I can remember are the Ptolemaic dynasty who went incest overdrive and always keep marrying their siblings with each other for more than 200 yrs and as long as the records are keep all they rulers were as healthy as any other person alive in the time, Cleopatra infact was know for being very healthy, so incest could work kinda on the other way around keeping bad genes for entering the pool.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Incest is a bad idea, and anything that is not between two consenting adults should be illegal, and any incest between two nuclear family members that results in children should be illegal as well, for the purpose of disincentivizing such behavior that would harm the wellbeing of the child, or giving it a good and meaningful life.

Non-blood relations like adoptive family members or step-siblings are fine, technically, but it's just kinda weird.

Cousins are tricky because technically everyone's cousins and it depends on how far removed you are. In most circumstances, I'd say first or second cousins shouldn't marry unless there's a good reason like no other options or proof that it is not arranged or coerced by a specific culture or arranged marriage, which is common amongst the Amish, hence the higher rate of birth defects.

This is genuinely the most horrifying thread I've ever seen on MD


Aug 15, 2020
There was this really famous book that came out a couple thousand years ago, made it pretty clear even then that stuff like that isn't very cash money, to the point where you could receive a literal death sentence via blunt force trauma with pelted granite just for getting a little too familial with your family members. So really, by historical standards, getting arrested seems more like a slap on the wrist than anything when you really think about it.

Man, what was that book called? I can't remember, but apparently a lot of people really liked it. The sequel is supposed to be even better, but I heard the fanbase is pretty toxic.

Tl:dr Yes OP, incest is still incest if you commit incest when committing incest. I know, I was rather shocked to learn this too.

Edit: Really hope this thread gets locked soon.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
You're eating popcorn and not inviting me some?

Jk, but can I have some anyways?
Jan 19, 2018
Bro I only called him over so that he doesn't miss out most of the guys were already here you included.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
But I left, didn't you see my gif? I came, I saw, I bailed out. (Also, I didn't notice it was a tag)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Pretty essential if you're trying to Charles V yourself into controlling half of Europe, or happen to be an endangered rhinoceros. I'm told it's also not too bad if you're on fire in the apocalypse.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
The human genome is getting f***ed up enough already from lifestyle, and environmental factors without concentrating the intrinsic defects through selective inbreeding! 🤪

Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
To be honest, it depends on how close they are. Direct sibling is no no for me. Cousin? Maybe, but it's tricky. You need to see family line to see whether you're closely related or not. If you close, just throw away the wish to get married. Third remove is usually fine apparently.

I honestly don't care much about others relationship, but incest seems like you're getting ready to be criticize by public and family, which sounds like hard life. Then again, it's not my business. 🤷‍♀️

One for sure, they should not have children.

I remember a rather sad reddit thread in YT when the partner found out they're half sibling after got married (thanks to irresponsible deadbeat dad). Of course they decide not to have kid. Not to mention, they knew it late. Because of the circumstances, no one judge them thankfully.

But my concern here is the genetic. Incest shouldn't be in real life, lol. Even if the two person consent or something, DO NOT HAVE CHILD
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019

Even though most people want nothing to do with irl incest (myself included), it's pretty wild how popular the fetish has become in the West (and other countries (Japan) for that matter), even if it is mostly step-relations. Morty got his wish fulfilled a long time ago.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Hmm I personally believe people are more likely to support/condemn based on emotions and then find evidence to support their claims rather than vice versa.

Interracial marriage was condemned based genetic abnormalities and eugenics too though I haven't found any empirical evidence on interracial children having higher birth defects.

Homosexuality biologically can't have offspring via intercourse but IVF exists nowadays. There is still the "its not natural arguement" but that hasn't seem to stop homosexual marriage gaining legality.

Both these types of relationships are beginning to be accepted in western civilisation nowadays but were also stigmatised for a time. Logical arguements/debates for/against seemed to be secondary to growing awareness of these minorities (friends/family coming out, activists and advocates giving emotional testimonies of their experiences)

Incest is known to cause genetic abnormalities at higher chances; however at the same time the Hasburgs took generations get to where they got. One generation has a much lower risk. I do believe even if GM were more matured and legalised for humans: that won't stop people condemning incest based on "scientific" facts even if it were solved by money/technology. (Remembering that if we arguing purely based on the child's health, lifestyle choices/socioeconomic pressure experienced by the parent are stronger contributors to the child's health)

On the other hand abortions are also beginning to be socially accepted so... Do we really care about child health/s (ignoring the obvious fact that humans aren't a hive mind and not everything is America or Europe)

Tldr I don't think pro/cons arguements work for emotional based issues. The positives and negatives aren't important when we just "Vomit or Lust" for something. The objective arguements are just used subjectively in the end.

Just another question at the end; should it be illegal for women close to menopause to have children due to increased risk of birth defects


Edit: I realise I just went on a complete random tangent and didn't actually add anything to this thread in the end

Edit 2: /s placed before somebody gets mad at children murder in a rhetorical question
Feb 2, 2021
yes as @teddy said
"people are more likely to support/condemn based on emotions and then find evidence to support their claims rather than vice versa"
"On the other hand abortions are also beginning to be socially accepted so... Do we really care about child health/s"
in some cases i myself seen many abortion cases affect both the mother's health as well as the future child they may have(obviously not for everyone but i stumbled across more than one)
certainly a food for the thought
my first impression of any opinion i find at any place is exactly either totally American or European

incest seems like you're getting ready to be criticize by public and family
now i can't speak for other countries...but in india (mostly rural places that makes up most part of india)
both public and family encourages 2nd degree incest....as a matter of fact these are not even considered a incestuous act
they even think this helps in preserving the family bloodline
indian marriages are mostly arranged by their family inside their same community and caste(oh we a lot of those here alright)
most of the marriages happen between relatives that are distant yet closer(i can't explain cuz english itself has limited vocabulary for the relatives)

I don't know if it is a joke thread or a serious
kinda both actually

what i want to know is your own opinion and opinion of your country/society

in india it is still legal to get married to your relatives except your own parents/siblings

where do other countries draw the line?
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Where do other countries draw the line?
Other countries will punish you if do it, either socially or with the book.
Jail time, encouraged/coerced abortion, a media circus and usually restraining orders and sex offender registry.

You might get shot/killed if your parents are normal, well adapted people and are against it.

Men are usually always blamed for it because society.

But seriously, don’t stick it in family. Nothing good will happen of it.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Charles Darwin ironically married his first cousin.

And that's basically how he discovered that incest is *bad* due to the problems his children developed and, y'know, subsequently *died*.

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