What It Means to Be You - Ch. 5

Oct 14, 2019
mmmm no. i don’t like this random change in treatment without any explanation. i need some answers
Nov 7, 2019
Still don't like the ML but we really haven't seen his pov as of yet. There might be something we and MC don't know yet about him. Ofc he isn't forgiven but sometimes people deserves second chance. I hope our MC would work on herself. She's definitely depress and tbh ML could help her out from that and a doctor's help too. Hopefully she'll work for herself to be happy.

I also think she can be helpful for ML. She's not a royal for nothing. She handled so well about ML's problem in his work. As much as I wanna see MC seperate from him at the end, I do wanna see how they will fix their relationship by helping each other out.
Aug 17, 2020
it’s only ch5 so i can’t say much but i hope fixing their relationship doesn’t drag out
Jan 30, 2019
This is making me cryyyyy. I wish she would tell him she tried to take her own life unsuccessfully. The ML is trash and no amount of misunderstandings is going to change my mind. I want better for here.
May 17, 2018
Man, stop whitewashing this, @someunregpunk
She keeps trying to kill herself because of him like 2 more times. you are defending him by going, "omg, he has poor communication skills, but it gets better!!!!!"

Like plenty of people under go far more horrific abuse and aren't half as awful as him. I'm sorry, but poor communication between them does not excuse people from becoming abusers. He might not have laid his hands directly on her, but neglect and emotional stuff ARE abuse. There's even laws against minors, elders, and I/DD that write that out.

If you neglect a child, they die.
If you neglect your wife in these types of settings, they die.

Just because He's suddenly SORRY after she has to try to kill herself multiple times that he's like, wow, I can't just neglect her anymore, I'll be a good person doesn't make him a good person. This novel essentially her coming to terms she can't leave cause she's stuck in a fucked up situation due to his magical lineage and just comes to terms. And somehow, he's a good person because he remembers she's a person too! WOW, SUCH ROMANCE.
Dec 9, 2019
ML hasn't truly understand the condition his wife's in, and he definitely hadn't reflect on his attitude. He felt uncomfortable when they swapped bodies, so he just give a quick fix for her more trivial problems. It doesn't stop the abuse and harassment she's getting.

FL is pitiful but ignorant, touching his sore spot so easily like that. I don't blame her though, she's desperate.
Feb 13, 2020
He's got a looong way to go, moreso than will be amended by just getting her a doctor and some dresses. After seemingly marrying her for her title (then throwing the fact that he didn't get that from her in her face thereafter) and then abandoning her constantly, this development is like taking one step towards the starting line of any semblance of a good relationship.

Thank you for the chapter!
Oct 7, 2020
Honestly, this is so heartbreaking. I wish she would be more confident and Blooming would be less of a bulldozer and more attentive instead. I get that he finally puts in some effort now that he’s experienced in how much pain she’s in and how she’s being treated, but instead of talking with her he pushes her into a lunchdate and forces her to rest and see a doctor. Rest and doctor is great, but what they really should’ve have done is having a healthy conversation in which both parties speak and listen to each other. I’m afraid she’ll get her hopes up and he’ll just bulldoze over her and not actually pay attention to her situation and how she’s feeling. My heart aches for her and I hope she’ll become more confident and independent. In an any case, thank you for translating ❤️
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Mar 6, 2019
Bruh he only married her for a reputation bump and that went out the window so how does anyone still expect a loving relationship out of this.
Mar 12, 2019
Neglect, that’s all I can say. No matter how much he changes the ML will always be scum in my eyes. His indifferent attitude resulted in the neglect and abuse of his wife. The servants and doctors mistreated her and caused her both physical and psychological pain. Her blood is on his hands. He is ultimately the sole reason why she attempted suicide and almost succeeded. I really despise this type of ML.
Oct 9, 2020
What the hell ? He's stupid, isn't he?
Hey, kiddo. World doesn't revolve around you and your lowly origins. No one gives a sh*t about your inferiority complex, it's your life. But what ? Just what? You really did scream at FL without even trying to understand what she was implying ?
You're making my blood boil. Stop acting like the victim. I wish you could feel all the pain and the struggles she went through. She even tried to kill herself.
Furthermore, you're saying she's discriminating you, but aren't you the one discriminating royals? Thinking that they're all the same ?
Dumbass, really.
If I was her, I would have slapped you.
Active member
Jun 8, 2019
jesus fucking christ im extremely sorry but if i were her i'd never forgive this man. and this being after him SEEING the bottles and pills in her room and BEING IN HER DAMN BODY and also seeing how everyone treats her in the mansion, he truly does not give a fuck about her idgaf about his poor communication skills she had nothing to do with her brothers decision wtf can a women do in those times what the hell.. ALSO abt the race thing I GET IT MY MANS I REALLY GET IT but she said TWICE THAT SHE DID NOT MEAN IT THAT WAY AND ALSO EXPLAINED WHY SHE ASKED YOU THAT!!!!!!!! im mad!!!!!!!! *continues to read it* LMFAOO
thank you for the chapter <3
Apr 22, 2020
Ok I hate her husband as much as the next guy but when the new doctor asked if her doctor was certified had me cackling literally tears came down. But even if there isn’t love they could have business agreement like she handels negotiations and he goes to those parties like that seems like a good idea like he could put them in there place in her body and she can make good negotiations like we already saw
Jun 25, 2020
I feel so sorry for her 😭

I’m still iffy on Winter. It’s too early to tell if I like him or not 🤔
Mar 23, 2020

I said he's a shithead. The stupid novel goes in that stupid direction and expects the readers to accept it because there is a crazy freaking audience that does accepts that crap. Congratulations, you ain't crazy.

woah, wait a minute you used your post from novelupdates forum to respond to mine? lol.

This story isn't written for men ... so there is group of Korean women that enjoys this type of fiction. It reminds me some really bad Chinese Emperor romance stories.
The author played to the crowd. I just take it for what it is. But damn this dude and bunch of other people in this story is pure and utter
Active member
Mar 6, 2019
I wouldn't be surprised if the ML had the chance to redo the past and let the entire royal family be lynched by the mob since he's so fucking greedy

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