E Eclipse616 Fed-Kun's army Joined Jul 17, 2019 Messages 31 May 13, 2020 #2 Ayyyy, I like listening to ASMR too! It's always nice when you have something specific in common with a character you like.
Ayyyy, I like listening to ASMR too! It's always nice when you have something specific in common with a character you like.
frenchfry Fed-Kun's army Joined Oct 1, 2019 Messages 607 May 13, 2020 #3 Omg lowkey I think she looks way prettier with black hair
Aeriandra Active member Joined Mar 12, 2019 Messages 904 May 13, 2020 #4 I had no clue some of the characters were in their 30's. It fits if you think about it, but never occurred to me before. I just assumed everyone was around same age give or take 1-5 years.
I had no clue some of the characters were in their 30's. It fits if you think about it, but never occurred to me before. I just assumed everyone was around same age give or take 1-5 years.
D Denkiiki Member Joined Apr 26, 2020 Messages 307 May 13, 2020 #5 Han Jin gun always gave me old man vibes lol
K kitty_revelry Joined Jun 28, 2019 Messages 412 May 13, 2020 #7 I mean, where you running back to girl? Your dead end job, no family and no prospects? You're, literally, an empress!
I mean, where you running back to girl? Your dead end job, no family and no prospects? You're, literally, an empress!
L lesliestan Member Joined Oct 27, 2019 Messages 63 May 13, 2020 #8 YALL HAN JIN GUN IS 33?????? BITCCHHHH HE'S OLD
E emmmmn497 Joined Apr 15, 2020 Messages 24 May 15, 2020 #9 Love how each of them have specific hand shape. It's pretty meticulous
E Estiz Joined Oct 10, 2019 Messages 53 Jun 12, 2020 #10 So apparently I have the same birthday and blood type as Han Jin-Gun...don’t know how I feel about that 😅
So apparently I have the same birthday and blood type as Han Jin-Gun...don’t know how I feel about that 😅