@raccoonshouse The problem with that site now is that it's about as patchy as this one is in regards to what's on it, but most of the people that were actively using it for their group's uploads are the ones on here now anyway (or the ones "refusing" to upload "anywhere else" which is only effective here, basically). If I need a secondary site, I just use whichever scummy "We take everything from every group using Mangadex and every group that isn't, and even upload official translations" aggregator I can find that is the least terrible, which changes pretty frequently. That list I linked was super handy for that, but I think it was dead the last time I checked it, unfortunately.
Just kind of how the cookie crumbles with any of this stuff, I'm sure Mangadex isn't gonna last either. Best we can hope for is that somebody rips off the reader here as much as possible whenever it does reach its end. Even just the most basic features of this one are miles ahead of most aggregators, and even most of the official release sources. Which is just sad as shit, those guys definitely have the most reason to put a little effort into their reader, but nah. We get crap like Mangaplus.