Who Made Me a Princess - Vol. 2 Ch. 65

Active member
Mar 30, 2018
So much hate for Jannette, who is technically still a kid. She not even as socially experienced as most of the cast as she was more or less kept in the estate for most of her life. I guess the novel really changed my perspective on Jannette.
Like Jannette didn't even kill the first Athy, it was Claude. And depending on how much this webtoon will follow the novel, it'll be even more Claude's fault.
Jun 8, 2019
I just want to say salmon baby we the same.


Like that Mr. White is such a dilf like asdfghjkl choke me daddy.
Aug 24, 2019
that long msg from salmon.. can i say SAME

ugh but when is this arc ending the story is moving a liiiitttleee too slow for me 😰
Jul 14, 2019
After I’ve read the novel, the manhwa is really deviating from the plot. I dont even know what to expect at this point. 💔
Oct 25, 2018
salutes salmon, reporting in as another tragic soul who finds this tired eye weaselly oyaji fucker hot.

Anyways I feel nervous as FUCK whenever that black haired fuckass is left in the same room with... like... anyone.
Sep 16, 2019
I don’t hate Jeanette, but I’m so, so, sooooo tired of her at this point. She’s such a boring character IMO, and yet recently she’s been the one getting almost all of the page time.

I feel like the plot/story for the last few chapters has almost come to a standstill. Nothing is moving forward or getting resolved, and instead we just keep hearing over and over how much Jeanette wants Athy and Claude to just suddenly and magically love her. I get it, I do, so I really wish it wasn’t being repeated in every. Single. Chapter.

I’ll be really happy to move past this story arc, or to at the very least have it start moving forward again and refocus on Athy.

@friendly Omg, yes. He makes me feel so uncomfortable whenever he’s present.
Oct 25, 2018
@lunea it's like

OH GOD I NEED AN ADULT energy on behalf of whoever he's around, even if he's alone with a grownass man....
Mar 11, 2019
It's been a long time and I had just found the odd pair of eyes of Jeannette. Itza quite disturbing it's not sparkly as the crystal eyes of athy like b4 :/
Group Leader
Jul 18, 2019
busy because uploading memes XD. Just suggestion for you, please if you write about Jesus make it right, not jesus... just suggestion so don't bully me >< by the way, the story becomes more complicated!!! I am still waiting for Lucas here... I want to🤬to the real father of Jeanette (black Claude...) oh yeah, about the name. I think it's fine because not make a big change. And the least, THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO THE TRANSLATOR, TYPESETTER, CLEANER, PROOFREADER, RAWS, REDRAWER, QUALITY CHECKER AND EVERYONE IN THE TEAM FOR YOUR HARD WORK UNTIL NOW AND IN THE FUTURE^^
Active member
Jan 14, 2019
@Wanderdoodle So i started reading your comment and about 2 lines in i realized it was massive spoilers. Feel free to correct me if im mistaken but in the future for stuff that isnt explained yet could you add a spoiler warning before said content c: Of course some of the fault lies with me since there is always that possibility but its just a recommendation.
Dec 16, 2019
I really don't care if people say I hate Jennette. Blame the author for that. I feel no guilt. The last few chapters everything appears about her and I'm not here for that. I committed to Athy and Claude. Their story is what got this whole thing going and suddenly we got another character trying the be forcefully squeezed into all of this.

Unlike some of you here I don't want her to get adopted by Claude. If you wanted readers to accept her then you should've had two main female's stories running simultaneously. Athy had to work for Claude's acceptance for years. God how much I miss their interaction. You're all talking about Lucas, but where is Felix? Also, I have to deal with two panels of Claude barely saying anything.
Nov 21, 2018
at this point Jeanette is getting too needy. she wants both the princess and the king's affection. girl, you can't. you know what athy is going through with her dad. i know she's doing it because mr white wants her to and she's allowed to be happy in claudes presence, but she can't have both ways. it's either athy or claude. I don't hate her but this isn't about her

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