Oh man oh shit. I really have no idea where this is going now. Will he attempt to kill everyone in the room and replace the heads against him with those that are his puppets? Or is he just gonna teleport out of there and watch everyone lose their collective shit and self destruct??? Maybe finish the job and kill claude once and for all? I'm getting the feeling he's gonna make a deal with them that they can't refuse cuz he'll kill/torture them and it will probably involve curing claude in exchange for the throne but we know thats bullshit cuz anastacius definitely wants claude dead.
OKay but actually has no authority at all given he's a traitor to the now king and could cause a rebellion should be executed in the next chapter if you wanna be real about this.
Honestly I'm still salty Athy wasn't ready for something happening. She KNOWS there isn't least another princess with a claim to the throne, everything would be more simply if she was half honest about having a cousin that conceals her identify - this way Felix would have know what to get ready for.
Wow, finally shit’s about to go down. Was kinda frustrating to see Jeanette being manipulated, Athy doing nothing and Claude staying sick for like, the whole season lol.