Who Made Me a Princess - Vol. 3 Ch. 88

May 7, 2020
From how he says Lucas would recognise 'him', I guess it could be Aeternitas' soul possessing Anastacius or sth. We know Aeternitas didn't have any magic. So he probably used black magic to become the strongest Emperor in the past and is now possessing his descendant's body to come to power again.
Also if it was me, I would rather save my dad and myself tho.
Sep 7, 2019
maybe i’m being dumb, but the impression i got in s1 is that while claude is a pretty good king, he’s also totally willing to rule through bloodshed and doesn’t particularly need the aristocracy behind him. they never seemed to hold a ton of weight in this society compared to the throne, when he was pushing them around like flies? so why are they such power players now?
Sep 16, 2019
damnnn finally the plot is finally kicking into gear yes! we needed a villain to hate, glad to see the uncle is actually doing evil shit instead of playing around and drinking tea with jeanette for an entire season. yo if athy throws jeanette to the sharks then it would be even juicer, maybe she'd be driven into becoming evil too???
Jun 29, 2020
@bugonia thats true but now that hes not the one in charge & athys taking his place it means that their foundation is unstable since hes not healthy & theres a new regent ruler who will take his place not to mention athys uncle now showing up. even if the nobles dont have much power when he was in charge, if hes not then what they do is really up to them. they can choose to side with athys uncle & be completely justified. no one can stop them from doing anything since all of claudes power came from fear and now that hes not healthy, they dont have that to keep them in check anymore. thats why it wasso important for athy to show her power in front of all the nobles. to show them that she wouldnt tolerate them doing whatever.
Mar 22, 2019
Why would Athy care about Jeanette now, who cares about Jeanette, that's the fact, it isn't like she's gonna be punished or something, she's just a "product" this guy is even more dangerous now for Athy and his daddy's life.

Tho looks like having Lucas right there will pretty much solve the problem.
Mar 9, 2019
Honestly, I can't understand how ANYONE would EVER love or like or have this f*cker as a bias, he is trash, even trash would feel insulted by it, even that fucking Trashta is better than this garbage can, he's so disgusting we should all stay 1600 feet away from his stench, we don't want this human virus to approach us even by a million miles do we?
Apr 25, 2019
Athy shouldn't be adjourning the meeting, she should be insisting on getting Lucas there ASAP and asking why Anasthasius is so keen on changing the topic after insisting on meeting Claude at first. Also why the heck is she so worried about Jeannette? If she dies, she and Claude die. She was all about preserving her own life at first, whatever happened to that?
Sep 22, 2020
Athy handled herself well to the best of her ability, she was put in such a position with no prior notice. IDK if getting rid of the Nobles was the best idea, but until she can get a better stance on her Uncle coming back from the literal dead, she needs them to leave before he instills more fear and does more damage
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 21, 2020
After the previous chapter I was so angry and frustrated, I think I'll have to wait until there's a good amount of chapters built up so I can read the whole thing in one go... I don't think my heart can stand dealing with this over and over each week😣
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2020
Aaaarrrrrrggggggg! Athy is so smart! But with these heated scene ... my heart can't take it! I want to uncovered this mans secret but... is staying the right choice? Noooo~ my brain
Dec 11, 2020
Pls even trashta and trashoe is better than this fucking garbage Can, atleast trashta will actually love her baby this garbage can is using Jennette😠😠😠

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