Why did i get my comment moderated and What rule did i broke on a hentai comment section.

Why did i get my comment moderated and What rule did i broke on a hentai comment section.

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Apr 30, 2018
Hello with do respect i wish to know why
I was moderated and what rule did i broke as the message given to me didnt specified
and the comment was hidden and i was given a warning.

So for context
i posted a comment abut the manga "Forced to Live With A Wolf-Like Yakuza!? I'm Not To Be Erotically Eaten!"
were a girl mangaka girl that draws porn literally pick a yukuza and when the dude as he was unconsious she trys to see his
"junk" i was gonna said the the orginal word but i dont wanna get banned for saying the specific part of the human anatomy and hurt someone "feelings"

But still with all do respect i fine it funny i get warned for saying "well she pick the dude and when after his junk she was probably asking for it cause she wasnt crying or feeling death inside or having does death eyes"
and im not sure if said it like that but i also mention "she was probably enjoying".

so i get moderated and my comment hidden. i was told a vague reason "This moderated comment will not necessarily lead to further disciplinary action but repeated offenses may do so."

so i do research into the "rules" and the only thing i see that i could probably be slightly related is on "comments and forums" 5.1.4
"Other Terminology: This category includes everything else that does not neatly fit under the above categories. It includes, but is not limited to, rape jokes, homophobia, transphobia, and direct personal attacks."

so did the administration saw my literal view of the a manga abut a girl picking a yakuza boy and going after his junk while pass out and then suddenly "copulated" and not showing any visual sight of pain, miserable and literally wet in her "female region" had a perfected good change to get the dude arrested but send the cops off and then when back for second time of "copulation" as rape joke?

I mean you guys have child porn mangas on this wepsite and me pointing out the obvious plot device of a hentai is all it takes to get hammer down.
with all do respect. were did i mess up? or who do i have to talk to get this figure out.

cause i love my pirate manga wepsite that allow porn of all source and age but if you cant point out the obvious maybe we have a exploitable problem in our hands.
i would take the warning as champ but please tell me what words to said or what is forbidden. cause to me the rule are vague and i wasnt rape joking,nore attacking or being "homophobic" or "trapfobic"
all i said was the obvious and that got me hammer.

But thanks i hope i can get a sincere respond from the staff abut this.
and have good day.
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
From what I understand, I think someone took offence to your opinion that "if she enjoys it, then it's not rape". With all due respect, that is a rather controversial opinion, wouldn't you agree?

The definition of rape is essentially "penetration without consent", and whether the recipient "enjoyed it" is irrelevant.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
Wait, OP are not joking about the rape joke?

Also, I'm curious.. what's the point of the poll?
You're asking why and what goes wrong, and then adding poll with "yes, no, [blank], and was I wrong?"
What is that even for? 🤔

Also also, I feel like I was kinda forced to read that Manga just so that I can know what OP on about lol.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018

I don't think a guy who read Hentai about rape can be offended by "rape jokes".
No,no,no, what I think it's that your grammar sucks, and that the guy who reported you thought the same.
So, to get rid of your comment, he used the "rape joke" as an excuse.

Or a SJW go in every Hentai’s comments section to find somebody to report. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mar 1, 2018
taking offense at a questionable comment, leading to taking offense at the moderating, which will lead to more personal offense at something else, and on and on.
sho glad i'm not on the moral police department here. cuz you can't please everybody.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
From what I remember, the MC made a foolish move by bringing a yakuza member (involved in a shootout) to her home. Yes due to her art deadlines she was curious about said persons muscular structure/anatomy

From the aforementioned statement, yes she put herself in a bad situation for her actions. But sexual assault is still sexual assault. So more than likely someone probably reported your comment.

BTW why a poll?
Aggregator gang
Aug 16, 2018
Just avoid trying making these offensives jokes, some people will think it's offensive and some won't. You can still post jokes and your opinion, i'm not trying to censor you, just comment more carefully, imo you did nothing wrong.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Thread locked.

Your comment was moderated because it was deemed to have broken a rule, more specifically, 5.1. In most cases unless I am dealing with a repeat offender or an egregious violation, I simply mark the post as moderated to warn the user and to hide the post from the users who have chosen not to see controversial content.
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