Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Vol. 7 Ch. 27 - One and Only Magic

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Not a fan of series that start with the premise of "everyone but MC has a special power so he must figure out how to keep up with them despite that" only to eventually go "oh nevermind now MC has a special power too and it's 100 times better than all the other powers lmao". It feels cheap and lazy and betrays that entire premise.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 25, 2018
So the bad guy just floating there, letting you awaken whatever "magic" you supposedly have?
Also Will should be carrying a bag with that guy's blood, just in case he needs to go Super Saiyan again.
The very first thing after awakening your hidden power, run and save the best girl Theon
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
Lmao damn it how you gonna go from the kino of Finn demanding Will to go embark on his own journey to defeat common conventions, to Will going SSJ.

Courage as my magic it delivered like a punchline of a joke lmao, and Will getting Goku hair too you're killing me.

Thanks for mentioning the mirrored dialog tho Solo, it is always appreciated to see callbacks of that sort.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2019
I don't know about Omori other work aside from danmachi, but man this is more brutal than i thought it would be.
Tho, wth with this cringe plot. This chapter still giving me goosebump, but, courage?:ROFLMAO:
Dex-chan lover
Jun 28, 2020
As cliche as it is, I found myself grinning throughout the latter half of the chapter. Like, hidden power? Cliche. Did it feel earned? Kinda, yeah, even if objectively probably not. The mangaka does a great job portraying shit like this, so even the cliche stuff feels fun.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2023
I don't like random powerups like this, but Finn's still pretty kawaii, so I'll never drop.

Also seems like Finn made what's-his-name glasses guy go light speed, heating up the air to millions of degrees, causing nuclear fusion, just without big booming everyone to death.

Will glasses sword always have some kawaii character give him some magic shit and then die?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2021
How was the dude able to speak without his whole ass lung lol
Oh, damn my brain turned off. But this is fantasy, so he probably used wind magic to pump air out of his lungs and into his vocal cords.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2021
LMAO, Will could go Super Saiyan this whole time? RIP all of those people. And Wakner has some incredible magic if he can have a heartbeat without a heart.
It's probably like ultra instinct (forgive me If I understand it wrong cuz I didn't watch dragon ball) where it's a hard state to get into, and hard to control. I hope he will slowly get better at, rather than lose it after this battle tho
Dex-chan lover
Jun 20, 2020
gotta say as far as powerups and "underpowered MC" goes, world trigger stays winning.
Well, we'll see exactly how it goes (i dropped danmachi in the first place, forget exactly why but i'm not at all inspired to pick it back up lul)
as for campy convos... it's sad, there's so many cool quotes out there but mangaka almost never pull them out, probably owing to a combo of audience + lack of author knowledge.
"Nothing human is alien to me," or "Liberation, too, is a material affair," etc. Very few quotes actually pull chills out.
Revy's monologue in the sub arc is about as close as it gets, but even then it doesn't scratch the same itch for me. Well, it's a short talk so it couldn't possibly go deep into the philosophical of all things.
sorry, i forgot griddle-eyes tachikawa's moment, that was pretty good, but it was slightly long-winded in its totality: "Spirit alone can't overturn a gap in combat ability; winning by spirit alone only happens when the two sides are equally matched. If victory was decided purely by spirit... There's no way I'd be number 1."
And the later followup (it might've been anime-only, i forget): "It's not that I hate spirited matches. I love them. But saying that a fight is purely decided by spirit, isn't that the same as saying the loser didn't want to win as much?"
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Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2018
"Those who cannot transform themselves have no chance of turning the world on its head" is fundamentally the message of Danmachi. It's what the 4th Anniversary revolved around entirely.

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