Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Vol. 8 Ch. 31 - Beginning Colorless

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
why is he surprised? no really, why?
exactly. First thought would be that they changed based on the faction using their own power. But he has no power(no magical power, purportedly ofc). This sort of thing should not shock him =01....
Double-page supporter
Jan 10, 2023
So even though she's one of the five fancy wizards, Elfi doesn't have any actual power. The tower seems more and more like a prison with each passing chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2020
Unless the colours don't actually have to do with magic I don't see the point of having one if you can't use any.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2021
I can actually sort of see why Will would still be getting treated like this.

Imagine for a moment Hogwarts where a muggle student shows up and refuses to use a wand/magic. Just shows up with a sword and gun.

Wenguardian leviosa (attaches a Balloon to a feather, or lifts it with a sword)
Petrifis totalis (uses a tazer)
Avada kedvada (shoots target in the head)

Yeah cool. He beat up some death eaters and the basilisk that terrorized the school, maybe even saved the world. That doesn't change that he is attending a magic school, a high magic institution and isn't really practicing magic.

It's like someone who is an engineer goes to medical school and doesn't practice medicine or stitches or sutures. It would be kinda offensive for the entire medical society to make someone like that a doctor. It doesn't matter if they saved the world, it's the entire principle of the matter. That he even got let into the Tower on a technicality and saving the city, is already incredibly generous.

Now clearly Will has shown capability in some supernatural power. Maybe it's some new form of magic or something like ki. But that isn't understood or well known what he did at this point.

Ultimately this whole situation is further complicated because the Tower is both a magical institute, and also is a power structure that rules over those below(mages are a higher class). Where will deserves recognition in the power structure(as well as his own contributing sect justified by his abilities(if we consider mages nobles, then Will deserves to be granted nobility)), he doesn't just deserve to go to the institute exactly.

Because the society is twisted and biased towards the non mages, Will both does and doesn't deserve to be in the tower.

All in all it is completely understandable how stuck up proud people would want to reject as much as possible someone who isnot a mage by definition(yet at least). Or how someone proud and in power could want to do what they can to keep him buried(if will can do something other mages can't, the he and others like him could eventually topple the entire power structure).

To reuse the hogwarts analogy, perhaps the muggle who isn't using magic should go to hogwarts. Perhaps the school would benefit from having them included, and with them learning about magic themselves, and contributing in a completely different way, perhaps it can elevate wizard society, towards a greater new future. Perhaps in the long run the wizard society could actually come to understand and appreciate muggles instead of being completely ignorant.

But that doesn't change the fact there will always be the Malfoys that will never accept a mudblood, even if said mudblood saved them all.

Maybe I suck at articulating my point. But you guys are being dumb if you think it is realistic at all for Will to suddenly be embraced by everyone even after saving everyone.You really think the elite of the elite would just embrace Will freely and treat him the same, when pipsqueak kids at school couldn't all do it(despite being less set in their ways)? That Lucious Malfoy or Voldemort would suddenly love mudbloods(and stop doing what they could to stop them) just because the greatest "wizard" is a mudblood and saved them? Of course Will was going to face more obstacles. Of course people were still going to interfere and stand in his way.

I have no clue how the author will handle this. Whether it will be portrayed well and make sense or not. My point is just within the setting of the series till now, it makes more sense for Will to be discriminated against, than it does for him to be embraced into the magical institute, ESPECIALLY as we have already seen reactions to him from the top brass.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Five years passed and she is no longer a cunny, sad.
Honestly I hope we stop with this BS, we are 30 chapters in Im not saying for people to accept him right away but don't repeat yourself again in such a boring way, this is getting soooooooooooo stale and annoying
Can't wait for 30 more chapters of people accepting him and then 30 more chapter of people accepting him and then 30 more chapter of people accepting them.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
To be fair, they did premise the "colouring" with "Those who have been headhunter over the past 6 years" which MC OBVIOUSLY hasn't since no one has come up to him before him and asked him to join their faction, which just makes it f'n baffling that he is surprised that he is colourless. The fact that Julius is also colourless (it is clear as day that he is since Alvis doesn't care about anyone except Will) should be more surprising to him.
Double-page supporter
Jan 10, 2023
I can actually sort of see why Will would still be getting treated like this.

Imagine for a moment Hogwarts where a muggle student shows up and refuses to use a wand/magic. Just shows up with a sword and gun.

Wenguardian leviosa (attaches a Balloon to a feather, or lifts it with a sword)
Petrifis totalis (uses a tazer)
Avada kedvada (shoots target in the head)

Yeah cool. He beat up some death eaters and the basilisk that terrorized the school, maybe even saved the world. That doesn't change that he is attending a magic school, a high magic institution and isn't really practicing magic.

It's like someone who is an engineer goes to medical school and doesn't practice medicine or stitches or sutures. It would be kinda offensive for the entire medical society to make someone like that a doctor. It doesn't matter if they saved the world, it's the entire principle of the matter. That he even got let into the Tower on a technicality and saving the city, is already incredibly generous.

Now clearly Will has shown capability in some supernatural power. Maybe it's some new form of magic or something like ki. But that isn't understood or well known what he did at this point.

Ultimately this whole situation is further complicated because the Tower is both a magical institute, and also is a power structure that rules over those below(mages are a higher class). Where will deserves recognition in the power structure(as well as his own contributing sect justified by his abilities(if we consider mages nobles, then Will deserves to be granted nobility)), he doesn't just deserve to go to the institute exactly.

Because the society is twisted and biased towards the non mages, Will both does and doesn't deserve to be in the tower.

All in all it is completely understandable how stuck up proud people would want to reject as much as possible someone who isnot a mage by definition(yet at least). Or how someone proud and in power could want to do what they can to keep him buried(if will can do something other mages can't, the he and others like him could eventually topple the entire power structure).

To reuse the hogwarts analogy, perhaps the muggle who isn't using magic should go to hogwarts. Perhaps the school would benefit from having them included, and with them learning about magic themselves, and contributing in a completely different way, perhaps it can elevate wizard society, towards a greater new future. Perhaps in the long run the wizard society could actually come to understand and appreciate muggles instead of being completely ignorant.

But that doesn't change the fact there will always be the Malfoys that will never accept a mudblood, even if said mudblood saved them all.

Maybe I suck at articulating my point. But you guys are being dumb if you think it is realistic at all for Will to suddenly be embraced by everyone even after saving everyone.You really think the elite of the elite would just embrace Will freely and treat him the same, when pipsqueak kids at school couldn't all do it(despite being less set in their ways)? That Lucious Malfoy or Voldemort would suddenly love mudbloods(and stop doing what they could to stop them) just because the greatest "wizard" is a mudblood and saved them? Of course Will was going to face more obstacles. Of course people were still going to interfere and stand in his way.

I have no clue how the author will handle this. Whether it will be portrayed well and make sense or not. My point is just within the setting of the series till now, it makes more sense for Will to be discriminated against, than it does for him to be embraced into the magical institute, ESPECIALLY as we have already seen reactions to him from the top brass.
I doubt the wizards at Hogwarts would be disinterested if a mf rolled up with a magic sword, freakish strength and speed, and an ability to quickly read their opponents' moves after seeing them once...

Ultimately the question is are Will's skills useful to the Tower, and he's shown many times over now that the answer is a resounding yes. If the world is at peril, why wouldn't you use any and all resources available to you? Prioritizing some cheap sense of pride and supremacy instead is ludicrous. Then again, Omori seems obsessed with constantly beating down on an underdog, so let's run it back for another ludicrous arc I guess... :fml:
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2021
I doubt the wizards at Hogwarts would be disinterested if a mf rolled up with a magic sword, freakish strength and speed, and an ability to quickly read their opponents' moves after seeing them once...

Ultimately the question is are Will's skills useful to the Tower, and he's shown many times over now that the answer is a resounding yes. If the world is at peril, why wouldn't you use any and all resources available to you? Prioritizing some cheap sense of pride and supremacy instead is ludicrous. Then again, Omori seems obsessed with constantly beating down on an underdog, so let's run it back for another ludicrous arc I guess... :fml:
Lucia's Malfoy or Voldemort or Slytherin (using the analogy), wouldn't care about that. All they would care about is their status as purebloods being threatened, and the fact some random muggle shows up.

They may not have the power to stop the other faction from letting him come to hogwarts, but they can have an influence on what privileges he can enjoy.

Using Will as a resource(a tool) has little to do with him entering the Tower. They could use him as a tool and not let him in the tower, in the same way a professor uses a plumber to take care of crap but doesn't let them attend the college as a student or give him an honorary doctorate.

Prioritizing pride and supremacy and keeping the power structure intact is literally something that happens all the time. It's not some bad writing by an author, but literally how reality normally/frequently works. Its politics. Bad writing is whoop, Will saved the city, so every person is delighted about it and instantly loves him. Including those who were doing whatever they could to keep him out of the Tower, guess they just change their minds and accept him as one of theiTower.

Bad writing is "hey the legal elimination of slavery arc is finished". Guess all former slave owners just accept slaves as completely equal in totality and never try anything to oppress those people again(No Jim crow/segregation/discrimination arc)

If the avengers were all early 1900s KKK members do you really think they would just let Sam Wilson, Black panther and Rhodey join them as full members? Sure, earth and perhaps the universe is under threat by villains, so they are forced to work with them and use their strength against their enemies. The enemy of my Enemy is a useful pawn. That doesn't mean they let them enter Avengers facilities, or go to the shwarma after party with them. That doesn't mean they don't haze those three.

Again, Will entering the Tower has nearly zilch to do with keeping humanity safe or not. He can be an asset used by the Tower and researched if neccesary, outside of the tower.

There are three main factions at play: those that support Will and support change to the Tower, those who are neutral to Will, and those that oppose Will and seek to preserve the status quo as much as possible.

Will has proven a valuable asset, and barely failed qualifying to enter the Tower using a technicality. So the faction opposed to Will entering the tower can't stop him entirely, and the faction supporting Will can't offer their full support.

Maybe the author will drag this on endlessly as you say. Or perhaps Will will successfully cement a position/place for himself in the towers power structure in events to come. Perhaps will being colorless is even the idea of the pro Will faction for that very reason, to change the tower.

All of this comes down to my basic point: Will encountering resistance after entering the Tower is not bad writing. Him encountering no resistance would be. Where things go from here, determines whether the author continues underdog arc continually, or whether the author pulls off good narrative development.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2023
Yeah, this series is officially BS. New raw just dropped and they did it again. I'm honestly so close to hating this series.

Will essentially got scouted by all colors until black haired douche bag with glasses came in and said that since Will did not use magic he is not qualified. Spoke some technicality BS and summoned monsters that can only be killed by magic. Of course, Will can't use magic and fails and is left colorless because not even his childhood friend can help him. Turns out there is another selection test in a week and is essentially the last chance the none chosen people have. Chapter ends with one of the top dogs saying that Will can get stronger but its BS because they could have just interjected then and there.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 11, 2020
Main plot: mc getting shit on. The problem I have is the non-seriousness of a majority of the cast, even the mobs, where they keep disrupting the flow of things. Like on a road, you can't expect to ignore these people if they keep serving as bumps, let the mc drive freely.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2019
I can actually sort of see why Will would still be getting treated like this.

Imagine for a moment Hogwarts where a muggle student shows up and refuses to use a wand/magic. Just shows up with a sword and gun.

Wenguardian leviosa (attaches a Balloon to a feather, or lifts it with a sword)
Petrifis totalis (uses a tazer)
Avada kedvada (shoots target in the head)

Yeah cool. He beat up some death eaters and the basilisk that terrorized the school, maybe even saved the world. That doesn't change that he is attending a magic school, a high magic institution and isn't really practicing magic.

It's like someone who is an engineer goes to medical school and doesn't practice medicine or stitches or sutures. It would be kinda offensive for the entire medical society to make someone like that a doctor. It doesn't matter if they saved the world, it's the entire principle of the matter. That he even got let into the Tower on a technicality and saving the city, is already incredibly generous.

Now clearly Will has shown capability in some supernatural power. Maybe it's some new form of magic or something like ki. But that isn't understood or well known what he did at this point.

Ultimately this whole situation is further complicated because the Tower is both a magical institute, and also is a power structure that rules over those below(mages are a higher class). Where will deserves recognition in the power structure(as well as his own contributing sect justified by his abilities(if we consider mages nobles, then Will deserves to be granted nobility)), he doesn't just deserve to go to the institute exactly.

Because the society is twisted and biased towards the non mages, Will both does and doesn't deserve to be in the tower.

All in all it is completely understandable how stuck up proud people would want to reject as much as possible someone who isnot a mage by definition(yet at least). Or how someone proud and in power could want to do what they can to keep him buried(if will can do something other mages can't, the he and others like him could eventually topple the entire power structure).

To reuse the hogwarts analogy, perhaps the muggle who isn't using magic should go to hogwarts. Perhaps the school would benefit from having them included, and with them learning about magic themselves, and contributing in a completely different way, perhaps it can elevate wizard society, towards a greater new future. Perhaps in the long run the wizard society could actually come to understand and appreciate muggles instead of being completely ignorant.

But that doesn't change the fact there will always be the Malfoys that will never accept a mudblood, even if said mudblood saved them all.

Maybe I suck at articulating my point. But you guys are being dumb if you think it is realistic at all for Will to suddenly be embraced by everyone even after saving everyone.You really think the elite of the elite would just embrace Will freely and treat him the same, when pipsqueak kids at school couldn't all do it(despite being less set in their ways)? That Lucious Malfoy or Voldemort would suddenly love mudbloods(and stop doing what they could to stop them) just because the greatest "wizard" is a mudblood and saved them? Of course Will was going to face more obstacles. Of course people were still going to interfere and stand in his way.

I have no clue how the author will handle this. Whether it will be portrayed well and make sense or not. My point is just within the setting of the series till now, it makes more sense for Will to be discriminated against, than it does for him to be embraced into the magical institute, ESPECIALLY as we have already seen reactions to him from the top brass.
the prob is not that, the tower is meant to train the people to defend the world not just for education magic is one of the most effective and common way to defeat the enemy hence the respect of it, but in the end world is at stakes.

there's some kind of organization targeting them, developing counter for their power, then comes 1 person who literally can decimate their counter. what idiot not wanting him? people with little brain will try to make place for this 1 person somehow, not ostracized them.

not to mention some big ass unknown world on top of them, wanting to raze their own world too.
Double-page supporter
Dec 13, 2018
Ah I get it, Elfie doesn't want to pick Julius (because he's an asshole), and while she wants to pick Will she likely can't (whether it's because she doesn't want to show her favoritism just yet or he that actually needs magic to activate the process (or something else) is unknown).
So this is likely where Julius and Will learn to get along as people who haven't been picked.
Standard setup.

I'm assuming she either doesn't want to tie him down to the ice faction or that once you join a faction you're forced to only use their magic (and that would be a terrible situation for Will to be in).
Sep 7, 2024
Kinda figured he'd be colorless I wonder what' gonna happen next. Thank you again for the chapter.

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