Well....Haven't read it yet, is it at least a yuri end?
Oh come on...Well....
It feels like it's was intended but axed so you see the setup but not it actually happeningHaven't read it yet, is it at least a yuri end?
yeah there is 0 yuri, the ending is also garbage because it was literaly AXED so fastHaven't read it yet, is it at least a yuri end?
It feels like it got axed and was told to finish the story in like 1-2 chapters and just rushed the living shit out of the story... to a very inconclusive ending.Haven't read it yet, is it at least a yuri end?
True. I have 3 fantasy yuri on my list that gets axed. WGF, Teapot Hero, and Darkartsmaster. Very sadI swear any type of fantasy, action, yuri just gets axed. Like so far most of the axed I've seen are fantasy or action... and vampires