Witch Hunter - Ch. 213 - The Last Puzzle


Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
They have prolly leveled up to white class. I hope so (maybe they were hiding it all along).
Jan 18, 2018
VS Rose: Electric Boogaloo.

I'm happy this got an update but the story progressing has been on the same level as Bleach...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
Uhhhh he's not using the Song of Moirai for a shitter like this, right?

Because he had 0 safe uses of that (which means at least 1 during a climactic moment) and climactic this is not.
May 26, 2018
@M8E sometimes more than hiding is not having the power active, probably having to do with mana if he doesn't pass a certain output the color doesn't change just like it happened to him before (but with much less control)
Jan 18, 2018

Which is what I'm scared what WH is turning into... Right now it's pretty much:

North is planning something!
North: Neptis do something for me. I'm gonna observe. My plan is going well fufufu (whatever her plan is).
East advances the plot. Hi Tasha I've got some special intel to feed you.
North's goons fucking WH headquarters A, B, C. Witches fuck empires everywhere!
[Insert a randomass Xin kingdom backstory storyline---which wasn't bad and quite emotional, but really out of place and made us forget where were we in the main story]
WH go defeat North's party. VS Rose.
Britain appears and joins the WH! Something something our king (actual plot progression?)
Downtime pause for new party formation on WH side.
Somewheresomewhere VS Rose. again.
East advances the plot. Tasha backstory finally revealed (part of it at least). Ryu guy joins party.
WH go defeat North's party. VS Rose. Usual Neptis & North exposition scene again.

The whole plot sits on Tasha's identity and how he relates to the 4 Great Witches, the author's been teasing us with Tasha's backstory but there's just so many questions & little answer. If I could get a penny every time a North & her lackeys planning something & VS Rose I would become rich overnight. It's like I've seen the same scene more than a thousand times. The formulaic pattern isn't good. I hope we can get some answer soon. Every chapter(?) is like progressing at the pace of a snail. At this point it's comical the number of times Rose's been featured. (I've been rereading this entire series for the 4th time again due to the long ass hiatus as I've lost track of the story since it's been so long since the story is back and boy the author refuses to kill her lol)

And the author's quite bad at pacing the action scenes (especially in VS Rose)... Every chapter with action (little plot progression) it's like they exchanges a few shots/swings and words, one power up, then it ends there. See you next week. Which is almost Bleach tier.
Oct 2, 2019
@Lock I feel ya but I do gotta disagree with a lot of your points.
(btw this is disturbingly long because I was bored af and needed something to ramble on about lol imma mark as a spoil so it doesn't take up too much space)
North apparently doesn't have much power at present so to keep herself safe she locks herself in her room and influences things through her servants. I wouldn't say she's just observing since she does have a part in things though indirectly. I do reeeeally wish her scenes won't mostly just her goin' fufufufufu 200 IQ u nu know what I is thinking I is mysterious it was me, Dio! It's fine to an e x t e n t but it's like gimmie more than that man. How many years has it been? I'm genuinely curious about her character but we're getting nothing when she doesn't really appear much to begin with. I want more chs with her like in the one where it showed the past. We already know her plan but no major details. Killing off all humans as seemingly the end goal and completely reviving West (I assume) to accomplish that? Seeing as North seemed particularly upset that West wouldn't help her as opposed to South or East that makes me think she needs West's help to accomplish her goals.

The Xing storyline didn't feel super out of place for me. Since although the MC wasn't there the story's plot is about the war with witches as a whole and not just one portion of it so it still progressed the main story in that sense. imo the politics like on the main female lead's side are an important part of the main story too since the story's about the state of their world. Tasha's the main character but not involving him doesn't = not part of the main point of what the story's about so because of that I can't agree that the entire plot sits on Tasha when the whole plot is on what everyone in the war is doing with him as the focus, mostly.

I do wish Rose would just cease after this. I wouldn't say she appears a lot but compared to other witches Tasha's fought she's the only one who fought him repeatedly. Well, besides East but she doesn't really count. On one hand she had a big role on Tasha, at the start, so appearing once more to show how far Tasha's come is good but with three times it's she can sit over there more new witches plez. I get it, she didn't have closure with being captured yet and only three times in retrospect isn't a lot but even if it's technically fine story wise since he hasn't fought much lately I reeeeally wanna see him fight someone else so it feels more fresh but that's a personal thing.

I think the pacing is actually a lil' on the fast side recently. Sure as heck doesn't feel like it since it updates bi-monthly and what we get is less pages than a typical weekly series but rereading it it feels like the author had to cut lots of stuff out to keep progressing at a pace that although feels slow isn't dreadful to sit through. Besides fights where the characters are being developed while fighting the fights don't really last all that long for a shounen. Honestly I prefer info chs to fighting chs in pretty much all manga so any fighting chs I'm biased against. That being said my impatience aside this current fight far from the worst I've seen in a shounen. I'm not a huge fan of this particular fight's pacing but with the chs being so short the author can only fit so much in each ch and has to end it on a "high note" so the readers look forward to the next release. At the very least the power ups aren't pulled from nothing. It's logical that a witch can use more mana than what their body can typically handle like Tasha and that she might pull that given how much she wants him dead and that after Tasha's training he can control and release his mana much better. I assume he didn't do it at the start because he didn't think he'd need it to defeat her.

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