Unless you're crazy yourself lol.Remember boys, never sick your dick in crazy
Crazy don't like you for you to have the choice anyways. Check yourself!
Unless you're crazy yourself lol.Remember boys, never sick your dick in crazy
How dare you fight my logic with better logic than my logic.Unless you're crazy yourself lol.
Crazy don't like you for you to have the choice anyways. Check yourself!
She had a spell on her so she can't get preggo. The rape of the prince was a fake pregnancy ruse to keep her safe as they wouldn't wanna assassinate her if she had his child.What does she mean I can't have a child?
Didn't see have sex with him in the beginning so that she could get pregnant with a child?
This is the part I was gonna comment, he treated her like trash for a very long time and essentially abandoned her all as some plan against anti-royalists and never once thought to tell FMC "Hey I'm doing this cause of X reason".I don’t understand why he couldn’t just tell her? Like this is a mission I don’t actually like that girl?! He just made her humiliate herself and her look bad!
both are crazy, maybe I forgot but FMC liked the rape part? (Shoujo and NTR exclusive?)This whole series has been a mess from the Rape to the revenge rape to now finding out much of it was some weird spy level shite that doesn't make sense to not tell FMC...
not really, especially rape part is (almost) standard in female (demographic) Mangawow this is one of the plots ever written
why? she raped him for this (her) position, and he used a anti-cheating spell on himself (wait, she could still cheat?).... she’s aware she’s been trapped and it’s hateful.
No no i’m talking abt the magic oath. I mean he raped her back, and multiple times lol, so on this point they’re even.why? she raped him for this (her) position, and he used a anti-cheating spell on himself (wait, she could still cheat?)
or is this comment sarcasm?
What? Are you actually defending the rape as a good thing in this series? Big yikes. Erotica has nothing to do with what happens in it. Alot of good erotica can be sexy and well written. If you half ass a story as an excuse for the erotica part thats one thing but this series is trying to be a series series with some erotica thrown in so no people won't shut brain off.Rape this rape that. Brother, you're reading erotica. Best to just shut your brain off. Read some Anglos-made webcomic if you feel this manga is nonsense. There you get your plenty hs bs indoctrination that familiar with how feeling truly works in your greatest most wisest opinion.
Thx for the chapter btw.
Your post has been removed. Do not repost this without contacting the mods for approval.if one of the two main characters made this story as a post on reddit, it would definitely get the ESH tag
You know that might be the most accurate description of thisEveryone's playing 4D chess but forgot the point of the game
This but I love themThey're so freaking toxic, I hate both of them god
Japan brand erotica does often have rape in it. If your out here trying to say it doesn't then bro you need to be educated. He was saying that talking about it like it matters is pointless because its literally just a plot point in a story that is so far beyond the line already its insane.What? Are you actually defending the rape as a good thing in this series? Big yikes. Erotica has nothing to do with what happens in it. Alot of good erotica can be sexy and well written. If you half ass a story as an excuse for the erotica part thats one thing but this series is trying to be a series series with some erotica thrown in so no people won't shut brain off.