Are all the maids prejudiced or fucked in the head in this story? Should already understand carefree approach of Volet. Sheesh, someone wants to get fired...
I'm starting to like Volet, she matured a bit from being total brat, just a bit.
Seems she might overthow her father if he keeps up his bullshit shenanigans.
Given they treat Powerless as basically cattle or slaves, they assumed she was there for entertainment,
big mistake. Dunno about LN, but as mc I'd rearrange their ass with mouth, not like it would be of any difference since their heads are full of shit already.
And as
@Kaarme mentioned, he has enchantment that makes him less agitated, suitable for mind control or during stressful situation like during his first mission he could choose not kill Plausha sister with spike traps but restrain them. He did care for what almost happened to Sun which made him mad a bit even through suppression but... poor Sun though he doesn't completely care : (
Keep in mind Yuusuke thinks he will cause destruction to this world or upon completing his objective will be sent back, so far it's the only thing we and mc know, even if he progress in relationship, they will never see each other again and wants to spare her that. I've read a story about mc having a relationship within isekai, after completing the objective was sent back, it ended in heart wretching moment.
This might change, since all the religion and story about Evil God looks like being fabricated. Only Ayuukas, the "living archive" knows the whole story, but if she will tell the whole truth, we don't know yet.
Also, Blemzapp character growth is very nice for a side character.