World Customize Creator - Vol. 8 Ch. 80

Double-page supporter
Nov 25, 2019
Wow, it's finally time to say goodbye... what a wild ride it was, good times.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Well, alright I guess? This was one of the first few isekai I've ever read so good on them for finishing it
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
is that the actual end or is this the soft ending or maybe axed. Feels like it was going then it dead stopped. Gotta say the romance was pretty terribly done in the manga or about as developed as a grade school crush
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2020
I don't believe it was axed because the LN also already ended last year. I don't read the LN so I don't know whether this is the same ending but it seems like the author ran out the idea too write in the past few arcs and he just decided to end it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2019
Well, characters and story are OK. MC is kind of OK also, not as annoying and simp as some other Isekai protags. But, for some reason author started to give him some character growth (after he killed those people in a castle) and then just stopped. And it dragged for a long time.
Sep 22, 2018
feels kinda rushed considering that the whole story was slow, but atleast it got a proper ending
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Tatsuya-Kai So, the web novel itself was more or less terminated abruptly? Interesting. I hope it at least had a better ending than this manga seems to have.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
THat noble should be step down.
Its obvious he were already behind the times.
What makes him dangerous is that he drags the population by his desire of not making things move forward and stay as is.
He also managing the downfall of the country, cause influential people like them will have no desire to change things that are not fit with their style or in their interest.

One of the weakness of this kind of leadership is that, when other open minded countries advance in their level of civilization, they will gonna be eaten by their influence and economic strength.
They will be drag down heavily because of the trade and commerce.
People will support who will benefit them the most.
In this case, if the people will trade in that open minded advance countries, they will certainly favors it and will not think of the consequence of their action as long as they rake profit.
What i mean is, one of the loophole they can expose to that open minded countries is to buy using gold and take copper or silver as change.
And that open minded advance countries will not buy anything using gold, and it will diminish the treasury of the kingdom because they're lead by the people who has no vision for the country
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
next chap is last chap... been a long ride... too bad the manga is somewhat difficult to follow, probably because of its short pages for a monthly release...
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2018
How many years since I started reading that, I wonder. There's plenty of those stories that will probably never get an ending and just fade away because TL stopped or something else so getting a conclusion, whether good or bad, is always a good thing.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 2, 2018
Really? Last chapter? At first I thought it was axed but... not really. It's in completed status and as far as I read comments LN also already ended last year so there's not much material left if any. Well... it's weird. On the one hand, nothing really happened in these 80 chapters, apart from maybe 2 fights, it's one hella uneventful title and one could think there's still a lot to show and talk about, but on the other... let's just end it here. Forcing the issue never ends well. Let's hope MC will just marry Sun because I swear... this was the most neglected thread that should have been developed a long ago. Pretty much right after the MC got that mansion but somewhat it was not.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2018
no, the novel go way further

also many of the '' ally '' characters die.

this was a axe/promo not being worth anymore
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
So let's analyse this:
The dark god descents on that world and...
He meets the princess and suddenly he is her favorite friend. The king is on his side after meeting with him. A Harem develops naturally around him. He gets his own private army with loyal troops. In the territory of an enemy nation of his "friends", monsters suddenly appear and their government is wiped out around the time he arrives. Only his own troops or allied troops can efficiently destroy those monsters. (Don't forget, that he can create stuff.) The leader of an rebellion army switches sides after been taken in custody of his squad. Another leader of an enemy nation, hellbent on conquest, suddenly gets all chummy after meeting him, their wise women gets all cozy with him too and after he visited their capital that nation suddenly changes politics and is all too happy to strife for a peaceful co-existence. It becomes known, that enemy spies suddenly turned coat after meeting him. The princess, who has been announced to be married to some other noble, suddenly doesn't have to after he arrive back at that capital, because instead she all of a sudden will become Queen herself and the place of the king is kept free ... maybe for a certain someone. The opposition leader of that country also turns down his resistance after a meeting with him. AND EVERY LEADER OF THE KNOWN WORLD JOINS PEACEFULLY IN A PLAN HE HAD HIS FINGERS IN!!!!!!

It's a kind of magic... If I would just be a bystander and that's the info I get (dude with cheat powers arrives and all that happens), well ... I'd never agree to a meeting with him. Not even once.

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