I reckon Yajin actually prefers a travelling companion like that. Too many utterly ruthless scumbags in that (realistic) world, so a naive dude like that ought to be refreshing. Unless the guy is just really good at hiding his real nature.
Hahah, cool chapter. It was just a new character intro after all.I was expecting another huge brawl and him going for another outdoor camping again for messing with the wrong people.
Love the grounded fights in this story a lot. Quick stabs to the neck from a hiding spot. Had to look up the last chapter to see if louis was introduced there and he was actually shown as the lone traveler who dropped his purse there.
This manga is like a breath of fresh air. Almost reads like a tabletop log of a very savvy solo rogue player.
The shorter the battles, the better, especially in this sort of setting.