@uvarine while there are no clear distinctions between the therms sociopath and a psychopath, some times even reported as interchangeable, in the sense that both lack social empathy, can easily manipulate those around them, and gravitate towards violence, a simple distinction to make between the 2 is that the sociopath is made by society, however she is too young for such a nurturing effect to have taken place, and her obsession with dead and experimentation with animals point towards her being biologically prone towards violence in which case she would be a psychopath.
If the main character starts following on her antics he would become a sociopath as he is being nurtured into someone incapable of empathy, while his suicidal tendencies turn towards homicidal tendencies.
Another difference is that the sociopath is more impulsive, while the psychopath is able to go their whole life without indulging in any criminal behaviour to the point that their condition doesn't actually becomes a proper psychopathology until it becomes a hazard for themselves or those around them.
The girl here is already missing an eye, has cruelly killed a bunch of animals, and has probably committed murder before, but even without the last part, yes she has problems, also she has manipulated her childhood friend and classmates into buying into a fake persona, of course this part thanks to her childhood friend thinking that she can make her normal and deluding herself to look away from reality.