@Miros Considering the guy was an old showa yakuza I'm guessing the Americans he fought against were drunk marines on leave. Probably spent a good time scraping with occupation forces throughout the 40's and 50's.
If this guiding tree is on the arm, and the more there is, the better it is, isn't it possible that it went over the entire arm and then onto her back?
@Bramia I'm guessing it's to nerf the MC somewhat in terms of political power. If he was male (a prince), he wouldn't have as much freedom in his actions as a princess would.
@Bramia I think it's because of the dichotomy of having an old man's spirit in a (cute) young woman's body.
If he were male his actions while... noticeable, wouldn't elicit nearly the same reaction as having (what was) a spoiled airheaded princess perform them.