Yakuza Reincarnation

Mar 30, 2018
Some guys here really afraid of "gay shit" lol..i like romances but I don't mind if there arent any if the story is good..but the comments bloody hell now I look forward to lots of"gay shit". Give me all the the malexmale i can have please
Group Leader
Aug 28, 2020
Such a refreshing read to be honest, no "level system" bullshit, the MC actually has some chracter to them. So far the story is pretty decant as well and doesn't shy away from some touchy subjects or gore, albeit it doesn't push too far either. My one complaint is thet MC so far seems kind of unbeatable and there doesn't seem much room for character growth in that regard. From time to time there are "flashbacks" of their past life which touch upon their shortcomings/regrets in the past life but so far it doesn't feel like the MC is trying to improve or remedy them.

Either way, I highly reccomend this. Definetly a uniqe setting for a manga that brings some fresh air to the mostly stagant isekai genre.
Oct 14, 2020
What’s with all the homophobic comments?? If you’re so scared of “gay shit” in a manga where romance hasn’t even been tagged then go back to your pathetic ecchi comics and hentai where you degenerates belong to
Oct 19, 2020
People really shitting there pants because someone said gay shit, GET THE FUCKING FEDORAS GUYS
Sep 12, 2020
Dissapointment in story. The mc being way to naive with the reincarnation thinking it was costumes when he was drowning and somehow ended up in a forest; but the rest is fine from what i read
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
not exactly a genderswap manga (at least as its focus)

ok anyways this is a 10/10 great manga would recommend it does a lot right and isn’t cringy
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
@ButteredButter can explain that: the writers are trying to make the story heavily focused on the adventure of the mc rather than explanation and continuation fit the past, it’s a trade off of sorts

simple version: writers wanna focus on what the character’s doing now rather then why things happened earlier
Jul 8, 2020
@ pakyu1199 I don’t like coffee and I don’t under how people like bitter things either. You can’t expect everyone to think in your line of thinking and have similar tastes. And moreover. This manga isn’t even focused on genderswap. More like how a dumb innocent princess changed.

That being said, if you’re just curious what people like in genderswap I could say things that I like. I like it when the mc is fighting over his/her identity as a man and tries to resist things that happen to him/her. Could be change in sexual preference, could be external factors like shopping first bra. And also things like other treating mc like a girl, some men falling for mc and mc hates it but slowly comes around
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
I probably already commented here but I'll fxcking do it again.

I love it. I love that fresh view on gender bender, something that add on the badass of the situation.
I mean, a little princess just fist fighting with demons, monsters and sometime humans ; Quite the gap.

It isn't "cringe" in the sense that it's taking itself seriously but still can shift the heavy atmosphere with some well timed humor (it doesn't hit bullseye all the time but it works quite often).

It's also been a while since I haven't read a good Isekai without Romance so it's a plus in my book. Until the author changes their minds but we'll cross that bridge when we will be there.
I also love how MC was an old man, a yakuza that knows his shit and that he didn't... You know, forgot about himself like a lot of work in the same genre. He's smart, wise and doesn't belong in a young girl's body.

I love the other characters that are just confused about how a god damn little girl can be so strong.
I love the artstyle, being kind of semi realistic and some panorama are beautiful.

And for those talking about Gay shit... Who cares?
Sep 30, 2020
@Magikal_Maggs I like how the author doesn't tell the reader and instead shows them and lets them come to their own conclusions, which doesn't happen for 99% of the isekais I have read. Even though the storyline is incredibly cliched, it still seems original because the author doesn't tell you the power level or Ryuu, you just know she's OP, and you also aren't told straight up that the goal of the story is going to be the hero killing the demon Lord, but that fact is slowly introduced throughout the story. Moreover, it also adds a little twist to the trope, and that is that Ryuu is a Yakuza. It's just seems original and I will give this a 10. 😎😎😎😎
Aug 15, 2020
has got to be the best reincarnation/isekai type of manga ive read in a long shot.
Mar 16, 2020
You know what this is damn good alright, more then glad i gave it a shot. From the imagery in the first chapter alone i knew this one would bang or at least be a delight for the eyes. Ended up being both.

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