Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 13 - Anjou-san Wants to Nurse

Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
@lemonjuice I mean, I'd already figured that out since Chapter 1. The real question is, is the author going to actually do anything to allow the MC to get over his feelings of worthlessness?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
My god, I knew this MC was a herbivore, but not this much. She completely dominates him and I don't think we'll ever see the roles being reversed (him growing some balls).
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 16, 2018
Ooohhh???? Holy fuck I wasnt the biggest fan of Anjou but this chapter turned that right around
Oct 9, 2018
And more and more Anjou gives us more reason to love her <3

And this chapter gave a good view of Seto and what he thinks of himself, he recognizes his own defects without being proud of it, and THATs the point, Seto only sees the defects in himself, never the qualities, but are these qualities that Anjou can see, she just needs to help him see them too, and Anjou is a good character able of doing this
I'm waiting to know how the author will develop this couple without losing that tone "teasing" which is one of the best things in this story xD
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@criver Then why are you still reading? Must be pretty sad to read things you don't enjoy just to complain about them.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
He can accept who he is and move on or change the things he doesn't like about himself.

Either way the waifu really loves him and would take him either way.

I hope he don't forget this chapter CUZ of sick trope
Feb 4, 2018

True, it's totally pathetic to get sick.
What a awful human being, how can he's not ashamed with this ?

Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
So if the MC is pathetic I am not supposed to read this, am I? Great (lapse in) logic.

Implying I am saying he's pathetic because he's sick. Try harder. You might as well learn the difference between irony and sarcasm while you're at it.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 5, 2018

MC is pathetic? That's because MC is a teenager. Teenagers are trying to figure out what to do for their futures, while at the same time fighting a flood of hormones, while at the same figuring out what they are and aren't capable of--all at the same time that their brains are physiologically re-organizing themselves, causing them to act in rash and irrational ways.

Also, MC is inexperienced. If you have never gone through a relationship, it is very difficult to understand the other person's motives, thoughts, and actions. It is even more difficult when the person with whom you are involved is as inexperienced as you and is also feeling their way blindly through the situation. Both parties here are unsure of the other party's feelings, and are trying to protect themselves from the pain of rejection. Anjou is hiding behind a mask of impish playfulness so that if the MC says that he cannot return her feelings, she can say that she was just kidding all along. MC is ignoring what seem to be obvious signals of acceptance and attraction because he has had no experience with being accepted or attractive, and he is afraid that if he acts on what seems to be Anjou's feelings, that she will say she was just kidding all along and reject him and exit his life. And this is why neither of them are clarifying their feelings, despite what seems like obvious hints from the others that such clarifications would be welcome.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Doesn't change the fact that he is pathetic. Btw not all teenagers are as pathetic our MC here.
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018
It really doesn't matter that he's pathetic. Being confidant or capable wouldn't make him interesting if you ask me. It's like how op mc are just as boring and lifeless as hetare ones, if not more because there's no struggle to show their willpower. It doesn't matter how well they do on a specific criteria if said criteria is wrong in the first place. All that matters is if he could eventually show Anjou the care and concern she shows him. He could hate himself all he wants as long as he stops using it as an excuse to look away from her. Hell, I think he would be pretty interesting if he still felt pathetic and unworthy while trying to be more considerate to her because of it. Would be nice if he decided to work hard so that Anjou doesn't have to regret loving him. Not nice for him, but nice in how interesting and relatable it makes him.
Mar 19, 2018
Well that is the closest we're going to get to a confession for awhile. Still I'm digging this though.

Also 'm seeing a bit of hate for the Loser MC character type here and to those folks I say find something else to read. I mean we're 13 chapters in and given typical manga pacing we have 100+ chapters to go till the guy will grow a spine so I suggest finding a comic with a more traditional Man of Action character type. For example try the French classic Valerian and Laureline, it has amazing art, the hero is a square jawed traditional hero who has already got the girl before the story even starts. Probably not going find the comic here though but Google is your friend.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018
The MC is pathetic -DUH! He laid it out in detail himself this chapter, so none of us are discovering E=mc2 here.

I think the fact that Anjou-san listened & then called him on it big time is the major development of this chapter. Now she knows that he doesn't think he's worthy of her attention, so her changing the focus of her teasing/courting to make him see that he could become a different person through recognition of what positive points he does have would be an interesting story.

If, on the other hand, she doesn't coax him into changing his self-perception, then this manga would start to lose its spark for me. I like Anjou-san's character, but the MC has to improve or I can't remained invested in this pairing.
Oct 9, 2018
Anjou-san words are better than any medicine ??

Seriously people are complaining about MC being "pathetic" on a TEASING ROMCOM ?! lol, wtf this logic ?, the point of this manga is just that, she is the "active" and he is the "passive", this is the basis of a teasing comedy after all. Whats the need to have two "active"? for story ending in 2 chaps?
"First Chap: They know each other"
"Second Chap: They start dating, Happy ending"
And the teasing, where? That would not even be the proposal of this manga anymore. To complain about MC here be like this in this kind of story is the same as complaining about a MC in a Fight Shonen who knows how to fight.

@criver If all you do is complain about it and still read on, what @Tarage said is completely logical, after all what kind of sad person is reading things ONLY to complain, right ...
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Finally new update thanks as always scan team!~
Not a team, just one person, _anq. He/she's kind of a beast in translation and has been releasing, alone, at least 1 chapter a day for 4 month already.

For the rest of the comments, here's a big spoiler that doesn't need spoiler tags, they probably won't fuck, or even kiss, for a very long time.
This is a teasing manga, so if you're expecting some fucking soonish, maybe try reading something else?

And why shouldn't a story be about a dominated man and a strong woman. Why does it always have to be "Me MAN, me dominate, me fuck, me stronk".

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