Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 51 - I Don't Get Chita-san

Dex-chan lover
Sep 17, 2018
>comments is just a gentle introduction to probability, statistics, and reliability
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 18, 2019
I don't mind "filler" if it fleshes out a regularly appearing supporting cast member a little more like this.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2018
re: Monty Hall problem

imagine 100 gum balls. You pick one, and then they eliminate 98 Sour gum balls, leaving just your choice and one other. ONE of these must be Sweet.

So you have to ask yourself, which is more likely - That you aced the 1-in-100 chance of picking the Sweet one right out of the gate? or that your choice was only preserved from the culling because you picked it, and the other one that's left must be the Sweet?

the choice seems more obvious with more options, but when you condense that logic down it works for the 3 options puzzle, too.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
Chita has something of a crush on Anjou. It's not outright stated but it's heavily implied. So she's angry at Seto because she thinks he basically stole Anjou from her. So this chapter is Chita warning Seto not to "hurt Anna" while giving him the third degree.

It was kind of obvious from her previous appearances that Chita like Anjou and disliked Seto so I don't know why the author dedicated a chapter to spell that out.

I also find these characters kind of annoying; the person who thinks they deserve to be with one of the romantic leads so they belittle, bully, and give shit to the other romantic lead. They don't add much to the story except be an unnecessary obstacle for the main romance. One of the only times it worked was the times it happened Ore Monogatari, when they treated all parties involved seriously, not just "Isn't it funny that one of our main leads is getting cock-blocked/clam-jammed by this character."

Granted Chita hasn't tried to "break them up" (even though Seto and Anjou aren't dating, but you know what I mean), so it's not the worse case scenario that the author could do with this character archetype. However the fact that this chapter all but confirms that Chita's bitter that Anjou likes Seto and Seto has Anjou "all to himself" makes her seem like an entitled jerk, in my eyes.

Your mileage may vary with this character, and that's fine. I just find to be sort of annoying.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@KazumaLee94 This is misplaced confidence on your part, because possessiveness is not something reserved solely for romantic and/or familial relations.

Let's say A and B are besties. B suddenly gets a boyfriend (C). A has been hanging out with B forever, but from A's perspective, C just showed up out of nowhere but he's suddenly hogging all of B's time. B and C are even closer than A and B were after all that time. On top of that, the romantic relationship between B and C means A can't really be a part of that, so B is effectively taken away from A.

If person A is the jealous kind of person, she's likely to lash out at C, and possibly even resent B for abandoning her. It happens all the time IRL, and does not necessarily indicate sexual feelings.
Nov 28, 2018
Thrilled to finally have another chapter.
Hopefully Facepalm will return to releases on a shorter interval soon.
It's unfortunate that they sniped this series from Hatigarm under the pretense of dissatisfaction with Hati's release regularity, and now here we are on 30+ day intervals between releases.
If Facepalm isn't going to release this in a more timely manner, I hope another group takes it over, so it doesn't have to languish.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
I agree with you. Possessiveness is a trait that's found between friends and family, not just those with romantic feelings. However, in this case, throughout the series, Chita has shown more than friendly feelings towards Anjou.

Chita sometimes grabs Anjou around her waist with a cheeky grin and a blush. Chita wants Anjou to think of her as more important than Seto (chapter 19). Every time Chita sees Anjou flirt with Seto she glares at Seto with contempt. In chapter 9 Chita, out of nowhere, accuses Seto of only wanting pure girls when Anjou talks about what she and Seto would do if they hypothetically dated. Heck, the last chapter had Chita all pouty that Anjou shared an indirect kiss with Seto when she tried his drink (the story also points out that Chita had the same type of drink as Seto). And this chapter has Chita complaining to Seto that he has Anjou all to himself and how he doesn't "understand anything about Anna" (like Chita does apparently).

A lot of those things seem innocuous on their own, but when you look at all of Chita's appearances in the manga, the evidence that Chita sees Anjou as more than a friend piles up. I don't know how close you are with your friends, but I sure never got jealous whenever my friends got romantic with their significant other and shared kisses (indirect or direct) with each other. Chita has feelings for Anjou and hates that Seto supposedly took Anjou away from her.

There's nothing wrong with Chita liking Anjou like that, in and of itself. It's when her feelings lead her to act mean towards Seto and suspect the worst of him that irritates me.
Double-page supporter
Sep 8, 2019
@KazumaLee94 I think you have identified Chita's character type exactly. The whole point of it is to be annoying, so... success, I guess?
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
@cor3zone @Tanterei I probably didn't word my answer the right way, but that's what I really meant overall when trying to explain the answer to someone that didn't know it. Was just trying to emphasise how probabilities and change but kinda not depending the way you look at it, but yeah I get what you mean. It's kind of like a case of getting 100 heads in a row with a coin flip but you can still explain that it's still a 50/50 for a 101st head when you're looking at it vacuumed individual case of another flip, but it's bound to even out on the larger view.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018

But in our case, it's the ball he picked that is revealed to be sour, not another one he didn't pick.

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