Yande Kita Mahou Shoujo no Nichijou - Ch. 10 - The Daily Life of a Not Yet Mentally Ill Magical Girl...5

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
Well that wasn’t what I expected to happen. While she doesn’t need to be friends with Akari, she doesn’t need to talk about her like that behind her back. It’s even worse since she is the one that approached Akari and tried to do things with her.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Her comments weren't really malicious but oh boy did they come at the wrong time, and to someone not in the best state of mind to hear them.
Sometimes bad things decide to happen all at once
And then it all comes tumbling down
turns into Tang
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
tbh as harsh as what her "friend" is saying, the other magical girl is right. You have to put other lives first as a magical girl soo
Nah, being a magical girl is all about getting to eat what you want, as much as you want, whenever you want. The power does in no way come with any responsibility other than caring for yourself, and in fact, doing so [accepting that extra responsibility] would only bring you despair.
- This comment was sponsored by Kyoko Sakura
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2023
"Her being two faced would be the worst."

That one two punch,though,of both your one cornerstone in life causing you to faulter and someone who forgets that they're middles schoolers due to how good she is at the job giving her the responsiblity lecture...yeah,she broke very easily.

Now that lil' buddy has to figure out how to get her back,because it's quite clear no one else will be able to,for now.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2024
Befriending an awkward loner comes with a baggage. They can be possessive, needy, and clingy, which is honestly exhausting to put up with.
Quitting is an option? It would probably be a good thing to go with, seeing how unhealthy the work environment is. There's no way the perks (if any) can outweigh the trauma.
I know this might be a tall order for magical mascots from another dimension, but examining the psychological background of magical girl candidates would be nice. If not for the sake of the girls, then at least in the best interest of the 'company'.
she doesn’t need to talk about her like that behind her back
Don't people gossip like that all the time (and worse)? I'd say it's one of those things that are made a bigger deal in fiction than they are in reality, and it's hard to imagine a person who never vents out like that.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
I know this might be a tall order for magical mascots from another dimension, but examining the psychological background of magical girl candidates would be nice. If not for the sake of the girls, then at least in the best interest of the 'company'.
Well our poor mascot genuinely didn't even know what mental illness was.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
Honestly? Venting is something people do with their partners. If the friend can't vent with him, then with who? Akari? That's not really an option, girly is aware how delicate her mental state is (as we saw in the previous chapter).

Now, Akari's hesitation and how that other magical girl reprimanded her are the things that probably what broke her. Akari will now surely have a loop in her head about how she almost killed that girl. Whatever offense Akari took at her "friend's" comments, that's not a good thing and she knows it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2020
"Lives depend on you, quit being a magic girl if you are not up to it!!" yeah, well... she's barely a teenager, and as far as I can tell from everything leading up to this chapter. It seems that this organization either have a bar so low, I'd probably be able to pass, and I am no dainty fairy, or being a magic girl is like being conscripted in the army "service guarantees citizenship" sort of a deal.

Can she even quit being one, preferably without getting murdered along the way?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
if a friend's overly clingy, that can get annoying but kinda crappy to badmouth them when she's the one who approached (tho tween/teen girls are fickle)

Impossible. You're not middle schooler girl so you failed.
And honestly, the organization of magical girls seem no different than just a school.

I mean, i don't think there was an 'application' process, wouldn't be surprised if all the 'mascots' randomly picked one (tho some might be more observant than others if not a 'oh no a monster attack is happening literally right now i gotta give power to someone in the area') , but makes me wonder if there'd be a ver where someone chooses like, the daughter of a yakuza gang or so

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