Author apologized for Ruixiang not being yandere enough;
He had been a questionable (joke character)....Ru Xiang’s concept was a 「harmless pervert]. He’s not completely harmless, right? I wonder if he violated someone’s portrait rights. Since Lycoris was in no mood to worry about it, she didn’t (interfere over) who he used as the model for his dolls.
Author's sister pointed out that Oria's presence pushed Ruixiang into the background; they admit they may have made a writing gaffe there.
(Thinking back)I also feel that I wanted to portray him with a rather hard personality a bit more.
On the plot twist re. Oria:
He’s a living punch-line that’s related to the mystery of the entire story. Honestly, what did you think (of my twist)? (Even if you think my twist's a crappy one
‘he’s difficult to understand!’, or, ‘what’s up with this punch-line!’, I'll sincerely accept your opinions. Maybe Lycoris-san should’ve been more angry at him...(but if) Oria gave up making the game, the future (or is it the past?) would end up changing…. Ahh, so bothersome.
@Psychronia What did you think of the twist that a modern Earth-reincarnated Oria created the game based on his foretold visions of a past life? Some reviews I've seen elsewhere thought this was a pretty smart explanation of how a fantasy world could resemble an otome game's.
@mammaria The original webnovel's main story ends around here. However the author wrote 2 more original LNs that continue Lycoris's story.