Yasashii Sekai no Tsukurikata - Vol. 6 Ch. 31 - + omake: Fool on the Planet

Mar 15, 2018
Wished he ended up with I forgot her name but the one that hid her intelligence
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
Rule number one of harem / romance manga. Don't give a girl to another male in the story, it leaves a bad aftertaste.
May 31, 2018
I really don't get what's happened with MC and Yurine.. They have sex on chapter 14, talked about why her mom choose Yurine as her name and he just fell in love with her?

I mean, on chapter 15 she says she barely remember what happened, and turn him down when he tried to "take responsibility".

And now he just say "farewell my first love".. So basically he fall in love with the person he lost his virginity?

Worst.. We will never know who did he end up with.. The model girl? Or the smart one?

Actually, is the smart girl in love with him?

Damn.. So many questions!

Good history without a closed end..
Group Leader
Jun 24, 2018
I’m pretty sure the MC ended with the Haruka (model girl). In the last page, smart girl asked why Haruka wasn’t with him *this time*, with him replying he wanted to ask for some advice. I’ll bet on that the MC is currently dating her and asked the smart girl for dating advice.
Though it’s stupid how MC’s relationship with Yurine ended, there’sa lot of questions unanswered for a romance manga.
Active member
Sep 12, 2018
Good read through but a little unsatisfied with the ending. I thought he had way better chemistry with Hirose than with Haruka. I do like the relationship with Toono and that teacher (name escapes me for some reason). Also, Tomonaga's first love with Kamayama-sensei seemed super skipped over. Maybe if the author spent a little bit more time on that relationship (like seeing the good stuff wink wink), that little goodbye would've had a much bigger impact. Overall a good read if you've got the time.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 4, 2018
What, open ending that leaves it to the reader's imagination? Fuck off, it's so obvious that he ended up with Haruka but the author just had to avoid confirming it. I mean, what's with that? Pisses me off so much. Also the girls look way better with long hair, no idea why cutting the hair symbolises growth but it's a waste.
Dec 23, 2018
I'll put my comment down here to avoid spoiling people
Loved the art style and some part of the story were interesting and cute but it really bothers me how Haruka and Yuu after a very good start are shown again and again to have poor chemistry and then hooked up at the end anyway, if you really want them to be together at least show them develop as a nice couple like the other professor with Touko.
And speaking ot Touko, she basically gets assaulted by her sister husband and instead of him getting arrested for child abuse and being a frigging pedo she gets all the blame? that's a very very fucked up thing and nobody bats an eye.
On a lighter note, my head canon for Aoi is that she is indeed a lesbian cause it's quite apparent that she had a crush on Haruka all along
Double-page supporter
Apr 10, 2019
Okay, I enjoyed this a bit. I have some gripes but it was definitely solid and worth the time investment.

First off, he ended up with the model. It’s not open, it’s right there in this chapter.

I agree that the relationship with the teacher is glossed over way too much. There’s a lot of implied going on in their relationship. I honestly thought they just kissed, even with the take responsibility comment, until the panel where you see them kissing naked or in their underwear. Whichever it was. There was enough written and shown from outside conversations, especially from the short haired teacher, but not enough from the MC showing he had that sort of feelings to leave the impact. Obviously it was there to juxtapose with the other relationships in the story. I think namely the one between the two who got married in the end as well as Mc and the model. I can’t remember any names so forgive me.

Speaking of the married couple, now that was good progression. By far the most satisfying romance of the manga. It’s honestly odd that the author fleshed out their romance more than the MC with the teacher, the model, and the girl hiding her intelligence (who keeps denying her feelings and they don’t end up together but it’s definitely implied she felt something beyond appreciation and admiration). Not just that, but the married girl was truly the best girl in the manga, yes? Like it wasn’t even close. If they focused a tad more on the old teacher guy you would think this was about them and not the geniuses.

All in all it was good. There was a lot for the reader to assume about. The above mentioned and some of the other stuff like the model initially falling for Mc, the backstories of the girls, etc. Not everything spelled out like we’re morons. On one hand it can get a little confusing tbh. Maybe I am a moron. On the other it goes right in line with the theme of this manga. Right? For better or worse, it’s different in that regard and I can appreciate an author not treating the readers like they are too dumb to understand every little sentence.

Solid 7.5 imo. Could have benefitted from another 5 or so chapters.

ETA they focused too much on the siblings to not give proper closure. Unless I’m forgetting the brother sort of got it with acceptance when the MC replied with his own program or whatever. But the sister’s reappearance was basically only to invoke the the relationship between the MC and the teacher more. But again, that got enough from the supporting characters. It needed more fleshing out from the two (mostly just the MC) in the actual relationship.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 2, 2018
Argh, other than the now wife girl, Aoi was the best but he ends up with the model girl? She was soo MEH throughout, Like i pegged her as 100% losing because not only is she meh, she had all those flags that keyed her to losing. But she won in the epilogue!? But The Smart Girl Aoi was so awesome in comparison! :(
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
Damn, that was a good read.

Skimmed this the second time around tho lmfao, so I can't say a lot of my opinion is grounded with evidence but I really don't believe that Aoi was interested in MC. That relationship between them makes no sense especially if they've been working with each other on a daily basis.

Tomonaga going out with model girl at the end was a nice wrap up but to me that just means he's willing to give a shot after being done with another relationship. It'd at least be worth a shot to see how shit goes for a girl who traveled down to America and studied her ass off to probably learn English as well to boot? I'm not gonna say that the relationship is gonna last long but letting it happen doesn't sound bad to the very least.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2019
People saying that Tomonaga had great chemistry with Aoi are not wrong at all. It's just that "platonic love" is also a type of chemistry.

I don't think Aoi was ever in love with him. She was monopolizing him for a long time and may even have thought that meant she was in love with him, but that's because Tomonaga was her sole confidant and the only person she trusted to understand her and accept her for who she was. She was never attracted to him the way that Kusakabe was. Once Kusakabe found out about her secret and finally dispelled her fears that she could never be accepted by "normal" people, she must have realized that her feelings for her best friends and her feelings for Tomonaga were in the same category. From that point forward, I don't think we see an indication that Aoi may be in love with Tomonaga ever again. She's 100% on team Kusakabe.

Starting from when Tomonaga finds out about her genius-level intellect, he saw himself 100% in the role of her mentor and confidant and never even entertained the possibility. His only focus was doing for her what Onoda previously did for him - be there to give the help she needs to start on a path to realizing her potential, if and when she is ready to do so. It's only when Aoi finally comes out to the school and his mission is complete (and his leaving the school is set in stone) that he actually starts looking at her as a woman - as his equal - and by that time Aoi is already perfectly content with the platonic relationship they have and lets him down gently.

It's somewhat rare to see a romance manga in which the "primary couple" - the one that actually gets the very last panels of the last chapter - is platonic. Sometimes I wonder if writers are even aware that is an option, even if the characters involved are of different genders and heterosexual.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Author did a 180 in the ending with the tsundere bitch girl bullshit as usual

Now I remember why I didnt like this manga

Tohno also must be the bitchiest character ever
Sep 19, 2018
Well shite. Ending was a meh though its was clear from the start who's gonna end up with who. I was rooting for that other sensei but whatever.
Active member
Sep 1, 2018
I never thought I'd see the day that a platonic relationship is done pretty well in a romcom manga
Double-page supporter
Feb 22, 2018
I don't know, i felt a bit disappointed. A few chapters ago we saw Yuu making a remark that he was disappointed that he got kissed by Haruka instead of Aoi. Then he just goes along with Haruka despite him forgetting about her? Like what? I don't get how this is rated so highly here and in Manga Updates, the ending is just unsatisfying.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
I don't think it's actually confirmed that Tomonaga ends up with Kusakabe. If it was, it'd be weird, because he has shown no interest in here at any point in time.

The only sign of romantic tension between Tomonaga and Aoi was that thought-line where he mentions he's disappointed it's Kusakabe that holds a romantic interest toward him, and not Aoi. Otherwise there's nothing between the two. And I mean, it's not a particularly romantic line. Ofc he's disappointed, he barely knows Kusakabe, other than that she's one of multiple students in his class.

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