The end is big meh.
I don't care who the author want MC pairing with. if you want to, just fucking did it
Separated them and "time is cruel... blah blah. i will forget it too" and timeskip. one of the girl comeback and: hey, i still love you like i said. The fuck ? what about the MC. I mean he just... there did't plan to make any move, it feel like he not even get any girlfriend by the time passed and now just get along with it.
English isn't my native language but he did accept "can i go and go see you again ?" but do that carry any propose meaning ? the way he say SURE make it sound like a coaxing to get a way. And if it is, it's the worst. He already decide won't wait for her anyways. Either way, it still terrible.
And one of my theory, if the one did it is the other girl. Pretty sure he will accept it too