Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta! - Vol. 4 Ch. 18

Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
@Miku39 Well, "Lucifer", literally "light-bringer" in Latin, is also the Latin name for the planet Venus, or as they more commonly referred it as, the Morning Star.
(Back then they thought Venus was a star rather than a planet because of its shine(itself because it reflected the light of the Sun)).

And as for your guess... Kinda, yes.
Aggregator gang
Oct 3, 2018
I still am not liking the Hero character and wish he was never added, to begin with.
Dec 4, 2018
Chapter 1:
Goddess of Creation, Ardvinasu
Dina <-------------------------->Venus
Has both Dina and Venus in it.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
Diina probably in the goddess side from the start.... so like what? she's a triple agent? anyway she's a snake should've killed her after they got the information lol
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2018
It might've been too long ago since I read the first chapter. But wasn't it the idea of the players to have the event where they fight against Lufaasu since she was more of a last boss than the demon king at that time?
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Out of nowhere is fucking Diina! 🤣 If Lufasu was able to easily stop the meteorite, then it will hardly harm the demon king.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
@TokenOtaku in the real world where it was a game, yes, but now we're in an actual world where the people in questions aren't players.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2018
@Sancturil Up till this point, all the actions of the players are considered history in that world. So I am assuming that when it was a game they had an effect on that world. Otherwise, the seven heroes wouldn't exist since players made those characters. Lufaasu wouldn't exist since the MC made that character. Therefore, I'd assume that the events that have taken place were because the seven heroes and him planning that event.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
@TokenOtaku That's not what I meant. This isn't the world of the game, it's the world of the story of the game(kinda). The decisions of the players outside of the story-line have no relation to the decisions of the characters they role-played as. The characters of the Seven Heroes in the story of the game rebelled against the Tyranny of the character Ruphas, for the sake of freedom and stuff like that. In the published written lore, it wasn't because of a reason like "they wanted to fight so they did".
Plus, it's already been mentioned that the heroes in this world have had their own lives and motivations beyond the actions described in the story of the game. Ruphas' laws against discrimination of non-white winged Flugels being one of those things. The two heroes we've met so far also weren't players and had their own motivations(which weren't exactly those of the players, since for the players it was just a game). The memory of Ruphas drinking with them in a bar with the talking about their dreams was also shown as an example of an event that hadn't happened in the game, but did in the past of this world.

At most, you could liken the players' motivations and decisions regarding the Ruphas vs Seven Heroes war to the will of the Goddess in this world. However, while the motivations are the same, the difference is that unlike for the game, in this world it's the Goddess who willed it as part of her scenario rather than it being the will of the Seven Heroes.
(Here I mean that the Seven Heroes in this world didn't want the war for the same reason as the players, with the players' reasons aligning more with those of the Goddess, that is to say for the conflicts to continue since a complete victory and then no real conflict afterward was thought of as boring by the players. That's literally the reason why the players planned out that war, as said in the first chapter of the manga and novel. She had conquered all territories possible to conquer and no other players could thus start wars since they didn't have any territory left for themselves, and there was a need to have a kingdom to start a war against another. So they came up with the rebellion plan/scenario so to split the territories afterward and let the other players be able to do their own territorial wars.)

Now, speculation time.
The Demon King said that Ruphas was the only one able to move outside of the scenario of the Goddess. This in turns means that the Seven Heroes couldn't do that. The Demon King then also puts in question the decisions of the Seven Heroes 200 years prior as weird and out of character for them. Both of those ideas combined bring us to another possibility. One in which the Seven Heroes might have been manipulated(in one way or another) into rebelling against Ruphas prior to them all fighting together against the demonkind and the Demon King.
The question still remains how they were manipulated(or mislead, etc), and the "scenario of the Goddess" itself is still a mysterious thing in how it works...

To conclude, I personally think that it's not so much that the characters in this world wouldn't exist without the players having created them(since that would be putting too much power into the hands of the players in my opinion), but more so that in this world the Goddess and her scenario fill up a similar role to that which the players and writers of the game did back on Earth. I see it more so as a coincidence of a real world that just happens to be very similar to one in a game. (and if we go that way, then it's possible if basing ourselves on the theories of infinite possibilities of universes and parallel realities) That way, the real Ruphas is her own person rather than just a character created by a player in another world(Earth), the Goddess is the one responsible for the "scenario", and the characters weren't created by players but rather just people who were born in this world, grew in it and have their own motivations and have done things that aren't known to players who played the equivalent of that world as a game back on Earth.
Aggregator gang
Oct 3, 2018
@Sancturil What I meant was that I more just dislike him being in the story. I didn't mind the advisor girl. But I dislike that there is going to be a hero. I am more interested in the MC's party vs the world and all the hostility it brings. I also tend to just dislike Hero's in general, They tend to be really obnoxious and have this weird type of what I can only call being soft.
Jan 28, 2018
@TokenOtaku @Sancturil you 2, didn't read the spoiler back at batoto(and i think in first chapters here) aren't you. 🤣 Let me slightly enlight you - ALL you speculations are wrong. 😎
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
@Umetsu I'm not sure which "spoiler" you've read, but I guess I shouldn't have used the term "speculation" when it was actually just me explaining some things based on what has been revealed so far. I've read up to the 2-3 small arcs further than this point in the story in the web novel(in Japanese). So while I do know of some really big reveals, I don't know everything, and that was why I said speculation.

And no. My "speculations" aren't all wrong. The Goddess did interfere and manipulate the Seven Heroes against Ruphas. I do not however remember how she did it, since it was last year that I had read parts of the web novel(before I put it on hold due to being too busy and I still haven't returned to it yet).

And if by "speculations" that you deem wrong you mean my talk about the alternative universes in general, then I don't know whether it's like that or not, but I didn't mean it exactly as is. It was "in general", for I simply don't know yet how it is in this story and from what I know of this story this simply seemed close to the truth in some ways. My main point being that I don't believe that the characters in this world only exist because players made them back on Earth. That was my point, and I'm pretty sure of it being true at least on that front based on what the MC has discovered about this world he/she is now in.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
@Umetsu Wrong about what? You're gonna have to be more precise, but some of the things I mentioned I know for a fact to be true due to having reads about them in the web novel.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Now that I think about it, she has some passive skill turned off tight now... could it be, she could have punched a hole through the demon lord by turning them back on ?

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