Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta! - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Counterattack

Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
@PotatoZero I never said that he has to do anything. I only said that whatever he intends to do, he needs to put forethought and conviction into it rather than just do whatever looks okay at the moment.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Aretheus Are we reading the same manga? Because I've seen him do nothing but act responsibly.......
He didn't have to help the towns from there destruction (like that civil war). He definitely didn't have to stop and give those heroes pep talks that would forever change there view of the world and get rid of there guilt either. I know he didn't have to fight that demon lord

Also, he hasn't been"just doing whatever looks okay at the moment". He has been gaining information in order figure out how to act.

Are there any other players other them him? Are they hostile?
Will gaining Lufasu memories help him find her and return her body back?
How will he return home?

Its trying to find the answers to these questions that led him to this forced "revelation" he just got. Until he gains more information and power, this is all he can do. He has been acting with forethought and conviction, as well as caution and mercy. I really don't see how you or the mc don't see that. What I find funny is that he has no choice but to keep acting as he has been if wants to achieve anything. So this "revelation" he just got changes nothing...

Another thing everyone doesn't seem to getting is that he NEEDS save the world. He is one of the most(if not the most) influential people in the world right now. If he doesn't stop the goddess, she'll just seal Lufasu and his mind along with her for good. He has no choice....

Save the world, OR DIE..... are his only options right now
Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
@PsychoJing Doing things instinctively out of goodwill is not always responsible (See the disaster of the EUCD for proof of that). You could argue in these specific cases that they were, but it could have been just as easy to present a world where his actions fucked things up worse than they started. The fact that up until now, he never had a single central idea that he was striving towards, and considering just how much authority he has in this world, means that his impulsive behavior can be deemed irresponsible.

I mean, I especially don't get why you're pointing at the demon lord fight as a highlight of his responsible nature. The's the one I'd especially want to avoid if I was you. He proved without a shadow of a doubt in that discussion that he knows literally nothing about what's really going on in the grand scheme of things and has no place trying to fight there. He just believes that the demons are evil, so he fights without any consideration for darker forces being at play.

Also, the ends don't justify the means. just because this author decided that his accidental journey worked out for the best does not mean that it was okay for him to act as such up until now.

And finally, no. He does not NEED to save the world. If he really didn't give a shit and just wanted to kick back and take his demise in a super casual manner, he could. It's not like he knows what dying means in this world. For all he knows, that could just bring him back to reality. He doesn't even have a firm, solid grasp on what the goddess's big scheme is even supposed to accomplish nor what the original Lufasu wanted to do either. I don't get why people are so hell-bent on characters NEEDING to do things. Characters are not interesting when they NEED to do things or when they accidentally do things. They are interesting when they decide to do things and make sure that whatever it takes, it'll get done.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Aretheus Ah, well i can see some of your points. My point was that he is doing his best with what little information he had for everyone involved. It doesn't matter to me if decisions ultimately turned out well or not, only that he made one.

I also don't agree with your point on the demon lord fight. From his point of view from the game, the demon lord was evil. However, he still tried to see demon lords view point, and even gain even more information about his own situation in the process. Like i said in my previous post, he had goals. They weren't endgame because he didn't have enough information to make any really important decisions yet. Someone with his power and influence can't just make a endgame goal so early on without thinking about everyone else involved. That would pretty irresponsible. Although when i think about it, pretty much all the heroes, his allies, that King that summon him,the goddess, Lufasu herself, as well as the new hero were acting "irresponsibly" for over hundreds of years. So calling him out on that solely just seems weird to me. Honestly though, no matter what choices he made, you could easily deem him irresponsible in one way or another, so I don't even see how it matters anymore.

And finally yes, he does NEED to save the world Its not a matter of me wanting him to have a "NEED" to do things. The mc was written with that in mind. Also, the goddess who sent him to this world without his consent definitely doesn't have his best interests in mind. Any decision he makes that isn't "Saving the world" is pretty much self destructive at this point. Since we know the mc isn't suicidal enough just sit back wait for death to come. My point wasn't that he "could" wait for death, but that he "wouldn't" wait for death. It doesn't matter if he's a moral, immoral, responsible or irresponsible. He would never act this way. This means he has no choice but to play the hero and save the world. The forced "revelation" he received means absolutely nothing. It was basically forced character development. He will stop the goddess (or player) and save the world in the process while ultimately making that world a better place. It doesn't matter if you or me find him interesting or not (I don't actually, I just here for mystery this world has). He will always be this way, from the beginning of this story to its conclusion. While I do find this boring, I don't find irresponsible.
Double-page supporter
Sep 23, 2018
It's so obviously venus is altovenus. Unless author can pull some plot twist, but doesn't seem like they will.
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
Kinda rare nowadays for a manga to actually make me this interested in the plot.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
so it looks like we are gonna have to put up with diina being a sneaky cunt for quite a while now
probably till the end
Mar 27, 2020
I find it kinda interesting that for an isekai with a male character reincarnated in the body of his plainly endowed female character... there doesn't seem to be any ecchi content whatsoever. Not even the slightest hint of it. There was only a brief passing remark when he first incarnated in this form that weight distribution felt different.

I'm guessing it might be that he is effectively just an imprint upon the original character WITH her mind and memories underneath... but even from a meta perspective, having such a character go about her business without even a standard manga panty-shot or anything is... curious.
Not sure of my opinion on the matter. I've gained somewhat of a strange affection for the ridiculous way manga series tend to force ecchi content usually... so not seeing it feels kinda surreal.
May 30, 2020
So Diina is the goddess right? She uses water and gold, the same elements the goddess rules over. Her alias is "venus" when the goddess is named "allovenus", and the prefix "allo-" basically means alternative version of something.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2019
Water, Earth, Fire, Wood, Moon, Sun, Gold. That is a very strange choice of elements. It's combining Wuxing with the standard <Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, Void> plus Sun and Moon? Huh.
Aggregator gang
May 28, 2020
Ain't that a crappy situation. Next, looks like Scorpio went full on Yandere for Lufasa.

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