Yesterday wo Utatte

Feb 11, 2018
what the... I had forgotten this ended. and wondered when new chapters were gonna come out. only to see I already read the end? didn't feel like an ending at all... :( was it cancelled?
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 16, 2019
“It wouldn’t be right calling this a slow-paced romance, as there’s barely any romance, but rather the manga personifies the process leading up to a romance.”

And that’s why you look for sensible comments so you don’t waste time. Thank you stranger.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
hahhh feels like i read some old tv drama like its kind of lame sometime in the story but yeah i did enjoy its
Jan 18, 2018
"I don't know what the fuck I'm doing" the manga. The only redeemable chars in here were Nonaka and her boss, the rest is absolute garbo.
Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2018
only just found out about this series now because the anime is airing and to see its already over guess i'll watch then read the manga

so far its pretty interesting to say the least
Mar 10, 2019
Halfway through I started to read it out of spite, although I’d have to stop every 6 chapters to scream in frustration. I don’t hate this manga, it just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. One of the characters in the manga itself actually described it quite well iirc something to the effect of, “This whole situation is like a web of shoujo manga level misunderstandings, but all the characters are adults, so they’re all too responsible and reluctant to resolve anything.”

I didn’t ship anyone with any character because at some point I started hating most of the characters and the ones I did like I shipped with happiness. I hated the two characters that the entire plot revolves around, and when they finally ended up with their respective characters, I felt that they didn’t deserve the characters they did end up with. My heart goes out to all the heartbroken side characters used as sacrifices to the plot.

I think one of the comments below had a really good take on this manga, it’s definitely a hit or miss. I think one of the main reasons I was so frustrated is because the characters are almost too realistic, I see myself in too many of the characters I hate, and 90% of the plot is characters figuring their feelings out. The fact that’s I read manga for a lot of escapism probably has something to do with my thoughts about this manga.

Who knows, maybe I’ll like it when I reread it in 5 years? Anyways that was a unorganized ramble about this manga, I tried my best not to make it a wall of text?
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
It’s quite long and drags things in circles without adding new depth but overall Yesterday Wo Uttate is a good read with memorable characters and a very strong theme that will either resonate with you strongly or make you burn with frustration.

If you’ve ever had a one sided love or feelings for someone who won’t return or reject them in earnest, reading this is worthwhile.

For me, the most frustrating thing about the work is that none of the characters fuck. That isn’t to say one can’t assume they do the deed. Instead, Kei makes a choice to leave any sexual passion unseen and unheard. That absence is deafening and I feel like Kei could do this for a number of reasons but nothing concrete ever coalesces for me when I think about it.
Aggregator gang
Sep 26, 2018
The anime was interesting so I decided to start reading this manga from the beginning. I tapped out at chapter 20 😑

Some people love long stories when every little thing each character does feeds into them growing as a person and slowly realizing their love for someone. I'm definitely not one of those people.

This is one of those rare times where I feel the anime is better because it's cuts through a lot of the dragged out scenes. One episode is almost like ten chapters.

If the mangaka cut the excess trim of constant think bubbles, I feel this would've been way more interesting. But 20 chapters in and I can't stand the ML and the FL...I'm sure they'll grow into better people as the story goes on, but I just can't read anymore of this. 😭
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2018
i read up to ch 62, where the story veered toward a direction I personally didn't liked; so, I decided to read the last 5 chapter, just to know if it was worth to go through 50 more chapter of a train wreck in slow motion. I have to say, I have never been more disappointed in seeing "winning" (if we can call that winning) the girl I was shipping for...
The only thing I regret was waiting until ch 62 to read the conclusion
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 2, 2018
those tags dont reassure me at all, is there ntr or annoying love triangle in this ? those are things i cant stand in romance manga so if someone could answer me that'd be cool,

and by what i've seen im better off watching the anime cause i dont like dragged out story too
Apr 27, 2020
17 years, it actually ended pretty solid. If you ignore the last 10 pages where she went nuts and tried to destroy the whole character development of that character, wich was one of the great points of the series.

It's a solid love story, but it has a lot of cliche's so i could see people not liking it that much. But besides that the feelings part and the depth the character's have is pretty solid for a romance ngl, Specially when it comes to the way they view relationships and dig on other people's advice on their relationship.

I actually saw myself, and a lot of relationships i know in a lot of scenes, sure it may seem over the edge and unexepected to anyone to have a Girl like Haru to appear in your life, but there's definitely cases where that happens. And when it happens it's worthy of a story just like this one.

Since it was so addicting to me i rate it: 9/10
But i could see the grade going to: 8/10 for those moments that make me freaking mad in every romance, but hey. I dig it
Active member
Jul 1, 2018
There was no pleasure in the ending for me. There was nothing of Haru and Rikuo's new relationship to enjoy. Was I supposed to be satisfied with imaging how their relationship would be after the entire story was building to that point? Thank god I did not wait 17 years for it.
Dec 5, 2019
Maybe it's my age, or maybe my ability to read but I was really happy about this story from the beginning. I was so hopeful and had such good expectations until I realized that it would make me so unsettled.. I found the ending to be very unrewarding and at the same time disappointing. He ended up with who I wanted him to be with but his character itself doesn't seem very appealing mainly due to it seeming like he just falls back on haru. There's a lot I could talk about from the story that I could complain about but also parts I can say I really appreciated but I'm lazy.. so, instead I'll say congrats to those you genuinely felt good about this story. I wish it hit me with the good feels as it has with others but I guess we don't always get what we want. Alright peace.
Jan 28, 2019
Pidin tästä hyvin paljon. Erityisesti tarinan kuljettamisesta ja kuinka se kohtelee lukijaansa. Niin hyvässä kuin pahassakin. Vain pari seikkaa jäi harmittamaan. Ensinnä on yksi aihe joka jätettiin käsittelemättä ja toisena lopetus (vaikka olikin hyvä se ei onnistunut luomaan tyydytystä). Taiteellistakin puolta tekisi mieli ylistää mutta sanottakoot vain että suojelkaa Harun hymyä ikuisesti.

Haru's smile is best.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2019
Not sure what to think about this manga, the ending felt like its missing 1 chapter or so or sth like time skip maybe, it somehow end with some sorft of cliffhanger
Also i think the whole
"lets be together" took way to long for them to realize their real feelings, like wtf i would understant few month or so but you date a girl for a year and you don't even kiss, how can you be so patient as a MAN. The moment i though they gonna make a progress (taking her to meet his parents) they finally realized they was just holding their real feelings.

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