Yoku Wakaranai Keredo Isekai ni Tensei Shiteita You Desu - Vol. 15 Ch. 71

Mar 19, 2020
Man, the artist is getting sloppier and sloppier.
Still, this manga is developing its own style, one different from the typical manga, so I can't entirely disapprove...
Jun 26, 2024
Smh still giving these losers everything for free for no reason and without any thought.
I get that there's a lot wrong with this manga, but shes just giving her childhood friends stuff because she wants them to be safe that seems like a good enough reason imo. like shes already stupid rich and can basically do anything some low quality gear (by her standards at least) is like nothing lol.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Finally she's disguising herself after 70 chapters.... Not doing anything to hide her massive tits though...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
That's not what it looks like when a cat is done with it.

The way "Assassinating" is described as a fighting style makes no sense. It rrequires so high speed relative to your opponent that you don't have to use the style, and can just attack however. If you can move so fast you can create and attack a blind spot, you can just attack normally around the guard.

That breastplate wouldn't even cove the breasts of someone who has them. It should go down to your waist (your natural waist, not the waist according to modern pants), since that's where It otherwise starts to restrict your movement.

Real ninjas weren't assassins except by exception. They were more concerned with spying. If they had formal martial arts training, it would be normal samurai training, since many were samurai.

Shin guards aren't exactly vital protective equipment unless there's some magical reason for them. Those are also bracers, not leather gloves.

Slings are a bit hard to aim with, but if you're skilled they're severely underrated in almost all fiction. A typical sling would have a loop and a knot, not too loops, but it probably still works. But not like she's depicted using it.

The back of the shield looks weird. Like a centre-gripped shield but not at the centre, or one strap of a strapped shield.

Do Japanese say corn, or maize like the rest of the world? "Corn" was originally any grain, and is usually the name used for the local main cereal grain. In Sweden, we use "korn" to refer to barley, and we still have the meaning of "grain" (like "a grain of salt" would use "korn" for "grain").

That's a flock of wolves. Realistically, if that number attacked them, they'd be dead.

what is with this artist and armour?
Yeah, it's spotty at best. It's like sometimes they hit the right image source, but usually not. Weapons are usually better, but still a toss-up.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Honestly couldn't care less about the other orphans could barely take care of themselves before Ren; and they aren't even doing much better afterwards.
Aggregator gang
Dec 21, 2019
... Why does the art style for Norn and her pup keep changing? Pick a style and stick to it damm it!
Feb 12, 2024
Absolutely murder the merchant. When being coerced by an unjust and exploitive system, violence is generally only solution. Therefore it's morally correct.

You can snipe that asshole from like 500 meters with your secret magic cannon and disappear into the night. You won't even get caught.

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