RestScans is proud to present to you chapters 15 & 15.5.
Hope you enjoy both.
I think my genuine reaction to this chapter can be summarized as follows:
Aki Tokage (the author) absolutely snapped in this chapter.
Okay, onto the chapter itself.
It's the day of the Cultural Festival. Iori's outfit looks a little different from last chapter's, though.
Seeing "Rabbit Mozu", although funny, I don't see why it's "today's center of attention".
I think Rain's China Girl cosplay may have awoken something in me and our PR (Rain is his favorite). She doesn't seem to have any energy at all for this cosplay business BS lol.
Iori sneaks out to catch up to Suzuki. Interesting to see how she went from calling him by his last name, to calling him by first name with honorifics, to dropping honorifics altogether. She did add the honorifics back in the next page though, so. 🤷♂️
Suzuki is able to tell that Mozu is
absolutely disgusted by the boys trying to flirt not being herself, so he steps in and drags her away in the pretence that she's breaking several rules.
"Rabbit Mozu"'s true identity is "Bunny Mozu"! Honestly, who didn't see this coming.
Suzuki is jealous and doesn't want anyone else having Mozu. Way to go, champ.

Mozu teases him about it, but the two are interrupted by what I feel like is the most random moment I've ever read in a while.
I'll not comment too much on it, lest I dive way too deep into degeneracy, but let's just say that was WILD.
The two have been forced to understand that romantic relationships are not just teasing games!! Oof...