Yona of the Dawn - Vol. 34 Ch. 193 - The Price of Being a Favourite

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018
@Ryuuji_Gremory haha, that might result in another spoiler, if my theory is correct
according to him, Kashi is the only survivor of the priests, she has the power to sense/see too. If her secret, by chance, got out, only she can be held responsible.

On an entirely different note, if me theory is wrong/partially true, it’s also possible that he actually intended to kill Yona, the real hiiryu (which her mother could ‘sense’)and Kashi just got in the way and sacrificed her life to save Yona’s. And before he tried it again, Il killed him.
Nov 22, 2019
This is just a theory but what if that’s how yona’s mom died 🤔. Lord yuhon found out that she didn't die and hired people to kill her. This made il mad and stab yuhon (according to suwon)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Miistis Rationally, there are only two extremes when it comes to religion. Either the religion is real, in which case you should bow down to priests and it's OK to have a state religion. Or you live in the real world the religion isn't real, in which case you should basically ignore them and allow them to exist as long as they stay fairly harmless because lots of people seem to want to delude themselves, and definitely not allow any one religion to get state backing.
I don't think there's a case where the answer is "burn 'em alive including the novice children".
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@ArpanaR how can he be a yandere the only yandere here is the guy who committed genocide for his wife.

The high priest did nothing wrong god exist in their world and he has legitimate power given by god

Or are you saying the four dragons should also die because they actually believed in the same god as the priest and yona should also burn the same way the Royal family burned the original ruler of the country which are the people with Hiryuu’s blood.
Active member
Nov 26, 2019
Stop hating on soowon for what his father does - King Il was a terrible king and We DON'T hate Yona for what her father did(basically allow thousands of his citizens to starve to death, to be trafficked, to fall into drugs, to be ravaged), and I am glad Soo won killed him.

But suddenly if Yuhon did something bad, people are like, " i HATED soo won AnyWAY bro"...yeah cool. Live in your cuckoo bubble, bruh.
Dec 26, 2019
It looks like Kashi is so traumatized from the incident that she's just "dead" inside.

I don't think keeping her secluded in the castle is good for her but who knows what Yu-hon might do if he saw her. (She might get PTSD if she saw him again)
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 19, 2018
didn't expect Kashi to be Yona's mother, was it already set before?

also I don't get why the mother killed herself because the priest died... I think there is more to it
Sep 5, 2019
I love it when right and wrong get mingled together so much you don’t know what’s best anymore
Aggregator gang
Nov 11, 2018
Seriously thanks guys for displaying the true but unpopular opinion of not hating Soo won, makes me believe in manga community again. This is a great manga and I'm dead tired of all those black and white thinkers, which is the large majority of manga comments in general I'm afraid.
Aggregator gang
Dec 13, 2018

didn't expect Kashi to be Yona's mother, was it already set before?

also I don't get why the mother killed herself because the priest died... I think there is more to it

they definitely look a like in recent chapter so I think that it is already given and obvious that she is yona's mum.

She blame herself on why they died since she's the one that ask Yu-hon to dont tell anyone about ther circumstances.

Conclusion: Yu-hon is a maniac murderer
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
Problem in manganime community is the "protagonist syndrime". Any character that does something bad against the main characters is "bad" and as such it must be hated.
Does it matter that what that character did was good for everyone else but the main characters? No, because we dont see "everyone else", we see the main characters and thats why a lot of people sympathizes with them and only them and forget the rest of the world the author created.
Nov 9, 2019
I just want to know what Soowon thinks of his father's actions. Seeing how he idolized his father and dismissed him bringing the heads of people to palace doors after victory, maybe he'll have a similar opinion? I'm very on the edge about Soowon, he's a fine character but we don't really see anything other than his mask (dumb, naive). He also resorts to violence a lot without trying to go for more peaceful options? I feel like that just might be an after effect of il and Yu-hon though. And also he did try to kill Yona who was not at all at fault for anything at that time, but then again he seems to acknowledge that he's a bad person? I know that the priest were corrupt and meddling but with most of the kingdom having the same belief(s) I don't find a huge problem? Unless they gain too much power. Also just because they were corrupt does. not. mean. you. can. commit. mass. genocide. I know he cares about people, but I think he ONLY cares about those people and he has no regard for others innocent or guilty.

Conclusion: I feel so bad for Yona and Soo-won

Yona because her dad was a douche and she loved him. Soo-won because his dad was a douche and he idolized him. And now everything is in shambles.

Also if Soo-won and Yona get married someone gonna catch these hands, feet and teeth. i just want the happ hongie bunch and the dark dragon backkkk T^T hngngngn my heart can't take this sad (and great) story.
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
@Tearsax While that might be true for some people, please be careful not to generalise.

While I find Soo-won's usurpation distasteful, I don't want him dead because of that (though it adds karmic justice to it, always a positive spin). I want him dead because he's a vicious warmonger and had it not been for Yona & Co. getting to every situation before he did and doing the heavy lifting, even his domestic achievements wouldn't be so positive, a couple wars included.

But please, no need to engage what I just said. Others have already. I know the counter-arguments, Kaarme has pretty much exhausted the matter in an exchange with me and PurpleLibraryGuy around chapter 185. I respect your views. I'm just pointing out that it's not because lots of people hate Soo-won that we all have the same reasons or behave like a mindless mob.

He's going to die soon anyway, whether from the illness or because Yona will finally decide it's time to get her throne back in order to stop him from starting an unnecessary war with the Kai Empire. Remember that she's shown in the mountains near the royal castle in preparation for an attack in the opening scene of chapter 1. Looking forward to it.
Jul 27, 2018
I have a bad feeling that Soo-won's "recited everything perfectly from memory" is going to be the trigger for the next stage of this tragedy. That entire conversation happened right in front of him.
Apr 25, 2020
Aren't these the kinds of people that killed outsiders in the past to keep their secret? Why cry over it now?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2018
Wait... my question is: how did those two end up together?
But with them ending up together plus Yu-Hon killing the priests and stuff I could actually see Ill killing his brother, if something pushed him over the edge. I'm still kinda doubtful if he actually killed his brother, being pacifist and all that, but everyone has a limit and if Kashi died because of Yu-Hon, I could see him doing it.

I can't really remember the part where Yona met the priest, but maybe she being Kashi's daughter also made him help her out (other than being the reincarnation of King Hiryuu.)

So we have:
King Hiryuu having descendants that have a 50% change of dying before turning 30 (or around that age) -> Yo-Hi (Soo-Won's mom, I'm not that good with names, so I'm probably butchering them) meets Yu-Hon, secret gets outs, they get engaged, priests realize she is a descendant of King Hiryuu, Yu-Hon sends them to their death -> Kashi and the priest (I forgot his name) manage to escape, but Kashi gets some burns during the escape (probably there, might have been elsewhere though) -> Kashi somehow meets Ill and they fall in love -> Something probably happens and Ill kills(?) Yu-Hon, taking his place as the next in line to be king -> Soo-Won gets to know about his father's death -> He kills, the now king, Ill -> Yona story's begins.

So if you want someone to blame, blame King Hiryuu, the dragon that wanted to be on Earth. Still, a lot of what happened could have been avoided if people didn't send heads flying when they got angry.
May 30, 2019
"Because sometimes you have to do something bad to do something good."

Soo-Won's a great emperor, no doubt about that. But why do I feel like the things he had done are not merely because of "revenge" knowing how smart he is and how he thinks way ahead of the others. He has already calculated the consequences of his actions but wasn't able to calculate Yona and the appearance of the dragons. Still, there's always this look on Soo-Won's face when someone mentions about Yona being the true Crimson King. Zeno has noticed it too.

Idk I just can't bring myself to hate Soo-Won since the beginning. Plus all these backstory ughhhh 😣 I don't want him to die. I hope min soo and yoon will be able to create a cure for his illness. I wonder what he thinks of his father's actions though. 😣

I 've been reading too much stories with the "antagonist's" point-of-view and this makes me want to root for Soo-Won's own happy life.

I hope Hak and Yona gets to live their lives freely outside of the palace.

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