@BaGamman Yoshka's eyes are probably just stylistic due to her young age. Elyn also has fairly large eyes compared to Voldrix or other older characters, and she isn't part-moon person.
While not universal, it is something of an artistic trope in anime and manga to give young characters larger eyes. For example:
I'd argue that the officer would also only be half-moon person, since the woman Yoshka sees in her dreams/visions appears to be what a pure moon person looks like, and the officer lacks a lot of those traits or has them down played like with Yoshka(she and Yoshka lack the large horns the moon woman has, and their ears, while pointed, are around the size of human ears, where the moon woman has massive ears that are almost as long as her forearms, plus their ears are somewhat rounded at the points, and stick out to the side, while the moon woman's are sharp are the points, and go downwards).
EDIT: Looked through the previous chapters, and I managed to find the officer's name: It's Leika, and it appears on page 5 of chapter 30