Youjo Musou - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
If you think about it, the Norton Kingdom are cunts because systematically, they are ENCOURAGED to be cunts by the Gaius church, the cuntiest guys of them all.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Nah, what i think you're looking for is Commercialism and Greed. It's always funny watching an economist promote massive tax cuts for the top 10% while also saying that taxes shouldn't be used to support the working poor with Healthcare, education, food stamps.

Not going to try and claim the desperate haven't or won't try to abuse the system, but those in positions of power don't even try the hide their naked greed and excess.

You say egalitarianism opened the door for the corrupt to walk in and take over. I say it just brought the corruption into the light, and allowed us to see just how morally bankrupt those with too much power have become.
commercialism is even younger than egalitarianism, and greed has been a sin in religions since... well, recorded history

also I did not say "egalitarianism opened the door for the for the corrupt to walk in and take over" I simply said atheists created the path to two of the most genocidal political governments in mankind's history by created the idea that we must have equal outcomes for all, which all religions reject thus setting up strict dos and donts... which egalitarianism has unconsciously created, and who's influence you can see by just looking outside at the world, so it failed to even live up to it's own philosophy...

but hey, what can one expect from atheists, who's religion is not "there is no god", but is closer to this:
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Unity of religion?

My fellow,that so called "unity" was what the powerful people used to control the masses for their own benefit,including starting holy wars against other religions.

And unlike socialism,communism,and facism,it was from the ground up used to control people,whilst the three formers were twisted into tools for dictatorships,that same aspect is also happening to democracy(if not already).

Of course,the issue boils down to how easy it is for people to be power hungry regardless,but the fact remains human history with religion causing wars is far,far longer then the recent history of these political movements.

A fact not lost on a lot of comic artists,since it's always the "unified religious country" that starts crap,not "that socialist nation".
75 million died just because of ww2 (a war of liberalism, fascism, and communism) and that's excluding the work/death camps in fascist and communist countries some of which STILL EXIST and the various extermination programs for people who are competent or based on them "pulling the rest of us down", the highest casualty war of religion is around 4 million...

these numbers don't even come close :dogkek:

but hey, I see that pfp
Double-page supporter
Aug 11, 2020
The emperor of mankind of warhammer isn't atheist but antitheist. Atheism is simple "I don't belive in a god". Atheism can be divided in weak atheism (sometimes defined as Agnostic atheist), "I don't believe, but I don't know if god exist" , or strong atheism (gnostic atheism) . Atheism doesn't means irreligious, there are some atheistic religion out of there (some currents of buddism are atheistic while others theistic, some amazonic tribes religions,etc).
So please stop your bullshit.

Btw nazism and fascism as well falangism and all far right dicatorships in latin america are deeply rooted in religion. Mussolini was called the Man of the Providence by the Pope, hitler had a concordat with the catholic church, etc.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
The emperor of mankind of warhammer isn't atheist but antitheist. Atheism is simple "I don't belive in a god". Atheism can be divided in weak atheism (sometimes defined as Agnostic atheist), "I don't believe, but I don't know if god exist" , or strong atheism (gnostic atheism) . Atheism doesn't means irreligious, there are some atheistic religion out of there (some currents of buddism are atheistic while others theistic, some amazonic tribes religions,etc).
So please stop your bullshit.

Btw nazism and fascism as well falangism and all far right dicatorships in latin america are deeply rooted in religion. Mussolini was called the Man of the Providence by the Pope, hitler had a concordat with the catholic church, etc.
I was referring to the actual points of the video, atheism at it's foundation is about god not being a real thing and most of the work is praised as god's work is actually humanity's doing and most of the founding literature on the concept of atheism also puts this fourth as a conclusion and objective for the movement

as for the political aspects... no, they are leftist dictatorships based on the socialist principles of class conflict with the rejection of cross border-class unity

Nazism was unique because the largest supporters of Nazism were "the petty bourgeoisie" due to it pushing the idea that spiritualism IS a part of the state and it became so effective because the only other fascist state (Italy) lost most credibility in the national socialist philosophical sphere and it overtook it's old man, fascism, as the primary national socialist philosophy by reincorporating spiritualism into itself and proving itself through the policies and actions in the spanish civil war and the early war period

every Latin dictatorship was practicing Nazism without it being called that because, quite frankly, nobody even remembers how anything went down and looking into the principles of it is considered taboo and as such, you get morons who consider "the revolution against the revolution" to be a far right philosophy when the fascists and Nazis considered themselves to be the legitimate successors and next step in the philosophical process to bring socialism to fruition deeming communism as a failure that condemns people who should be running their own socialist state to death for ignoring the will of the primary ethnic group in the international order
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
commercialism is even younger than egalitarianism, and greed has been a sin in religions since... well, recorded history

also I did not say "egalitarianism opened the door for the for the corrupt to walk in and take over" I simply said atheists created the path to two of the most genocidal political governments in mankind's history by created the idea that we must have equal outcomes for all, which all religions reject thus setting up strict dos and donts... which egalitarianism has unconsciously created, and who's influence you can see by just looking outside at the world, so it failed to even live up to it's own philosophy...

but hey, what can one expect from atheists, who's religion is not "there is no god", but is closer to this:
Sorry m8, hate to break it to you but I don't have to be an atheist to know the Bible is just a work of fiction that was used to scare people into following Christian rules and laws. Almost every religion is the same. Most preach that their God(s) is the only one(s) you should put your faith in, and if you happen to disagree you are branded a heretic or some variation there of.

True many religions can be seen selflessly build communities, but sadly more often then not, those same groups also cause mass ammounts of friction with other religion groups, which frequently ending in violent attempts of genocide.

As I said before, more people have died in the name of God, then any other cause.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Sorry m8, hate to break it to you but I don't have to be an atheist to know the Bible is just a work of fiction that was used to scare people into following Christian rules and laws. Almost every religion is the same. Most preach that their God(s) is the only one(s) you should put your faith in, and if you happen to disagree you are branded a heretic or some variation there of.

True many religions can be seen selflessly build communities, but sadly more often then not, those same groups also cause mass ammounts of friction with other religion groups, which frequently ending in violent attempts of genocide.

As I said before, more people have died in the name of God, then any other cause.
oh boy here it is again

deaths caused by fascism and communism in one war, excluding death camps (still exist in communist countries to this day): 75 million

highest religious war death toll: 4 million

yeah, that's a factually wrong statement I see thrown around by anti-Christians all the time who don't like it when you point out their socialist driving atheist misunderstandings about reality are, in fact, a cause for the worst human atrocities on the planet since ethnic conflicts (driven by egalitarian ideas of non equal outcomes being caused by a particular ethnic group) are WAY more genocidal than religious conflicts, which usually end when one side submits and adopts the winner's faith, you cant adopt the wining side's ethnicity so it's just extermination for extermination
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
oh boy here it is again

deaths caused by fascism and communism in one war, excluding death camps (still exist in communist countries to this day): 75 million

highest religious war death toll: 4 million

yeah, that's a factually wrong statement I see thrown around by anti-Christians all the time who don't like it when you point out their socialist driving atheist misunderstandings about reality are, in fact, a cause for the worst human atrocities on the planet since ethnic conflicts (driven by egalitarian ideas of non equal outcomes being caused by a particular ethnic group) are WAY more genocidal than religious conflicts, which usually end when one side submits and adopts the winner's faith, you cant adopt the wining side's ethnicity so it's just extermination for extermination
Lmao nah m8, the old testament is full of genocide. Whole cities turned to salt or toppled by horns. Ancient holy wars, and world spanning floods. The death of the countless first born that is now celebrated as passover, and those that died in slavery.

Christianity in a less fictional setting has a death toll that includes millions in the crusades, untold millions in Inquisitions, witch trials, ethnic cleansing, and all manner of religious inspired wars and infighting between different cults and factions.

Let's also not forget other religions and their capacity for death and persecution. Suicide bombers, even more ethnic cleansing, stonings, and acts of terror. All because they didn't pray to either the right god or had the misfortune of being born the wrong gender, culture, or orientation.

And lets not forget the individual with a claim to the highest death toll in recent memory. Who can forget Hitler and the estimated 6 million Jews that died in concentration camps during WWII. While not exactly in the name of a God, only a conspiracy theorist denies they were targeted because of their religion.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Lmao nah m8, the old testament is full of genocide. Whole cities turned to salt or toppled by horns. Ancient holy wars, and world spanning floods. The death of the countless first born that is now celebrated as passover, and those that died in slavery.

Christianity in a less fictional setting has a death toll that includes millions in the crusades, untold millions in Inquisitions, witch trials, ethnic cleansing, and all manner of religious inspired wars and infighting between different cults and factions.

Let's also not forget other religions and their capacity for death and persecution. Suicide bombers, even more ethnic cleansing, stonings, and acts of terror. All because they didn't pray to either the right god or had the misfortune of being born the wrong gender, culture, or orientation.

And lets not forget the individual with a claim to the highest death toll in recent memory. Who can forget Hitler and the estimated 6 million Jews that died in concentration camps during WWII. While not exactly in the name of a God, only a conspiracy theorist denies they were targeted because of their religion.
you...really know nothing, the old testament is a JEWISH BOOK about how the Jews came to claim their homeland of Israel, with the new testament being a Christian book about Jesus's influence upon the world and the miracles his presence performed... so go take up those gripes about genocidal old testament references with Judaism, not that it'll go well

the crusades have between 1&2 million total casualties because they took place at a time when Europe was politically weak and unable to mobilize large armies with even nations like the HRE only capable of fielding 250 thousand men at best, while the Arab world was stretched too thin and spending most of it's resources fighting over territorial claims for various factions and dynasties and THE inquisition had 5000 deaths because guess what? 1. this isnt warhammer 40K, exterminadus is not a thing, and 2. there was only one case of Christian Europe having to deal with an entire region being ethnically, religiously, and culturally cut off from itself for 800 years and be capable of being reintegrated

duh, modern religions are more extreme, they also became more egalitarian as well... funny how that loops back around eh?

Judaism is an ethnic religion first and foremost, if the father is a full Jew his children are all Jews and in the case of Europe, also ethnically Ashkenazi, thus will be brought up in the traditionally Ashkenazi way so:

but missing the entire "jews are an actual ethnicity at their core" aspect of their history and the migrations to the holy roman empire many of them undertook
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
you...really know nothing, the old testament is a JEWISH BOOK about how the Jews came to claim their homeland of Israel, with the new testament being a Christian book about Jesus's influence upon the world and the miracles his presence performed... so go take up those gripes about genocidal old testament references with Judaism, not that it'll go well
Dont agree, but that's OK, both testaments are works of fiction of a religious group so I don't put much faith in either being an accurate depiction of reality. It was only used as a reference as to how many deaths would have happened if it was real.
the crusades have between 1&2 million total casualties because they took place at a time when Europe was politically weak and unable to mobilize large armies with even nations like the HRE only capable of fielding 250 thousand men at best, while the Arab world was stretched too thin and spending most of it's resources fighting over territorial claims for various factions and dynasties and THE inquisition had 5000 deaths because guess what? 1. this isnt warhammer 40K, exterminadus is not a thing, and 2. there was only one case of Christian Europe having to deal with an entire region being ethnically, religiously, and culturally cut off from itself for 800 years and be capable of being reintegrated
But that is only a fraction of the different religious cults and sects that exist all over the world. Just because you do not acknowledge them as such doesn't mean they were not killing, being killed or forcibly converted in the name of one deity or another. Which for the last few thousand years was typically by Christians.
duh, modern religions are more extreme, they also became more egalitarian as well... funny how that loops back around eh?
Not really, no. Would say some have mellowed out while other have become more active.

Judaism is an ethnic religion first and foremost, if the father is a full Jew his children are all Jews and in the case of Europe, also ethnically Ashkenazi, thus will be brought up in the traditionally Ashkenazi way so:

but missing the entire "jews are an actual ethnicity at their core" aspect of their history and the migrations to the holy roman empire many of them unundertook
So you're saying that they are only religious because they were raised that way. But isn't that how most religion's work? Indoctrination of children and the poor unfortunate souls that needed something to believe in.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Dont agree, but that's OK, both testaments are works of fiction of a religious group so I don't put much faith in either being an accurate depiction of reality. It was only used as a reference as to how many deaths would have happened if it was real.

But that is only a fraction of the different religious cults and sects that exist all over the world. Just because you do not acknowledge them as such doesn't mean they were not killing, being killed or forcibly converted in the name of one deity or another. Which for the last few thousand years was typically by Christians.

Not really, no. Would say some have mellowed out while other have become more active.

So you're saying that they are only religious because they were raised that way. But isn't that how most religion's work? Indoctrination of children and the poor unfortunate souls that needed something to believe in.
I...really don't understand how you can clearly read what I post then not even act in a way that shows you understood what you read or are even saying, you've been equating egalitarianism with being universally good and not engaging with any points about it's clearly more genocidal outcomes by just screaming religion is worse (without logical facts) like a broken record, keep bringing up Christianity as the main evil while citing Jewish claims and specifically overinflating the casualties of Christian events then stating that other religions have equally massive genocides (they don't, since your numbers are all a lie), and you don't even seem to understand an ethnic religion is specific to an ethnic group who's religious philosophy is inherent to the culture of that ethnic group, meaning it's not "indoctrination of children" (unlike the clear indoctrination of egalitarianism that is making you act like a glitching AI program) it is teaching the beliefs of their ancestors who they share ethnic blood with

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