Youko x Boku SS - Vol. 11 Ch. 49 - Final Chapter

Sep 16, 2019
In one of the pages, a cute blonde haired girl and a black haired young boy are shown to be new residents of ayakashi....I was wondering if those two are the reincarnation of Shimon and Mikoto? I hope so...I hope that those two will be able to live a happier life. I think out of the entire cast, those two, and especially mikoto, suffered the most. It was sad seeing them part, it was also sad that Shimon only realized everything at the very end. I hope that this time, everyone can live happy lives. This story has been a rollercoaster for me, I’ve cried so many times for the characters. When The youkai attack happened, when Ririchiyo rejected the future Miketsukami, when I saw how sad Ren lived, Natsume’s pain as he had to endure that curse. I...Felt like, even though I’m not part of the cast, I felt a strong connection to them. I sympathized with them, cried for them. While I’m glad the main cast are now able to live a happy life, I also hope Shimon and Mikoto can as well in their next life.(Yes, they may have been ‘villains’ but...I get it. Mikoto did it because...he loved Shimon. Love is blind, as the saying goes. I feel bad Shimon only realized everything at the end.)

Now, I pay respects to the amazing author. Its sad that he/she is no longer with us. I looked forward to reading more of her works. Its not often I come across gems like these kinds of stories nowadays after all. Thank you very much. I loved the story, and I feel that I learned an important lesson.

I should cherish this moment, and do everything I want, so that in the future, I won’t have regrets. Thank you, Author.
Feb 6, 2021
This ending is so bittersweet. No matter how many times I reread this manga the pain never lessens. I love all the characters, but my heart just aches for the other/future Miketsukami. That boy really loved Ririchiyo with all his being and all his heart. I want and need him to be happy when he grows up🥺

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