Your Throne - Vol. 1 Ch. 20 - Leap

Nov 24, 2019
Cap everywhere. People who say stuff like "this isnt right. it takes away from the author" but continue to use this platform to read stuff are hypocrites. The existence of platforms like this do the same to every author. Thats why platforms like these get in trouble...
Its one thing to say, "hey, theres an english/cheap version so you can now go support the author there". or "Thanks for your work but please stop now. I dont want you to get in trouble because xyz."

Its hypocrisy to act all high and mighty by saying, "Stop translating stuff! Its wrong!" and then continue to be on here to read are you on here? to harass people? or do you just choose which authors to be a "knight in shining armor" for? 🙄

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