Your Throne

Nov 29, 2019
I get your point, but can you understand mine?

You could have stated your point without personally attacking me. That was completely unnecessary and immature. We are allowed to have our own opinions and as I stated she wasn’t completely at fault, but she did play a part. It was stupid of her to not think she could bring this situation up to the emperor and solve this issue without hurting Medea. It is selfish because even though she was threatened she didn’t think about Medeas feelings. And she even stated that she was still in love with him and happy she was crowned empress even after he manipulates her. She let herself be manipulated and betrayed the one person who actually tried to help her and be her friend. That is selfish. I’m not going to personally attack you for being a Pyche Stan and respect that you like her, she is a likeable character. But don’t be rude to those who like Medea because we aren’t “wild”. This comment section is a place to express opinions about the story and its characters not insult other readers and by doing so I believe it was very disrespectful to the manwha reading community. I apologize if I irritated you in anyway in my statement but I would appreciate if you could do the same. If you would like we could talk separately about our feelings towards the story itself rather than insult each other from behind our screens. And please understand that these are my feelings about a fictional character and should be treated as such. Frankly it’s a story and should be enjoyed without readers feeling the need to get angry at each other.
Sep 2, 2019
I don't entirely hate Psyche, but i don't like her either. People can say she was blackmailed to stay with the prince or whatever, but her expression of happiness in the recent chapter says otherwise. She knew she was being used, but doesn't care bc she loves him so much. She threw her away her only genuine friend who honestly could of helped her too. Like Heli said, she looks like she wouldn't hesitate to throw away Medea if it didn't align with her interests. Also I never suspected of her being ever close with Medea, with how she acted in the beginning of the chapters. She fake, but guess you can't blame her.
Mar 2, 2020
If lady Medea is actually dead and gone I’m no longer reading this manga. I’m only reading this thing because she so strong and cunning, if the selfish weakling Psyche becomes the main character I’m out.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018

"Selfish weakling"

Why do you even read this if you hate the other protagonist. Its sad that half the people reading this read it like a wattapd fanficiton without any nuance or understanding of complex characters

This Manhwa is too good for you
Jul 4, 2019
IDK if I can keep reading this if Medea's dead. I really wanted Medea x Heli to happen and... I feel like Psyche won't be able to live up to my expectations as a protagonist. The plot development and storyline so far have been superb and I've enjoyed reading this a lot. However, I feel like the story will not be the same without Medea. The Crown Prince is a real piece of crap and I'm really going to be sad to drop this.
Mar 5, 2019
Psyche what do you mean??!!
True worth?? Is she some holy person that would undo the Prince's plans or could hold more power than him if her secret is revealed??
Also what's going to happen to her now since her body/Medea is dead. Cuz the damn Prince wants to frame her. Holy shit I am incredibly excited for the upcoming chapters.
Mar 6, 2019
Okay so it’s 2 chapter I. One go but wow such a cliffhanger exists 😨 I want to know if lady media will rise from the death 😭 I really like her alot
Jul 26, 2019
I srsly hate Psyche sooo much. Honestly, even if Medea comes back to life, I would still get annoyed unless their bodies get switched back. How is this fair for Medea who worked so hard to train her body and then Psyche just steals it?!?! Pls give back the bodies to their rightful souls cos it just doesn't feel right especially if the author is gonna make Heli and Medea end up together. I would hate to see Medea in Psyche's body flirting with Heli and having to suffer because of Psyche's own stupidity and her past mistakes.
Jun 11, 2019
@VMIN1995 you should get out now cause psyche does kiss helios in medeas body and helios get conscious of the fact cause she leaves him a hickeey.Medea dosent even like him romantically and so far psyche has gotten romantic development with him

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Jul 9, 2018
I cant really blame Psyche she was manipulated into accepting the position 🤔 that yalios is an ass and he is a mofo. But I have a feeling Heli would be having a hard thinking his feelings straight, I dont think Medea will be too focused on her revenge for sure to even think of him now, poor heli, and the fact that Psyche might be the only one to really ever to emotionally support him from the looks of things so far 🥺
Aug 11, 2019
bruh i need to know if medea actually dies and it becomes pysche x heli so i can drop it. i caNNOT STAN.
Jan 5, 2020
I can't believe it Pysche was always the main character not medea,she was just a supporting character that helps Phsche open up her eyes by sacrificing medea .Also I cannot stan pysche x heli it just the fact that psyche is in the body of his past lover and I still hate the fact that medea dies just because of psyche unfit body.DAMN WRITER WHO SWAPED THERE BODYS.JUST CON'T HAVE MADE THIS ABOUT MEDEAS GROWTH.

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