This manga is so packed with content that I never run out of things to say about it. This chapter opens with Chihiro's prophetic dream about Yugami being yelled at for not reading the mood. The subject is cleaning duty, which is a callback to Chihiro having to clean her classroom alone back in chapter 18.
The chapter then follows Yugami's trip through the festival to showcase all side characters. Kadota keeps having bad luck with his club as ever, Zaizen still calls Yugami his best friend, Watanabe is still trying to be popular with the ladies, Yaegashi is going to the afterparty just so people won't speak ill of him, and his bitter club members who hate on anyone mildly popular. And of course, Fujisawa-is-always-watching. All these wonderful side characters add so much to the story.
We have Yugami enjoying the cultural festival on his own like usual, visiting every stand but rarely spending over 5 minutes for each (he does, however, watches the puppet show to the end), all the time taking notes and reviewing exhibits like some kind of festival judges. I laugh at how he keeps giving people the Batman treatment: one glance away and he's gone, before people talking to him can finish their sentences. Even Chihiro is not an exception.
At the end, Yugami classmates shit on him for leaving early. Well he did promise to come, but he never said he would stay, didn't he? As far as Yugami is concerned, he has already completed the cultural festival and made enough memories for himself. Other people never factor in his plans.
I'm also glad that the author didn't forget to address Nanda and his girlfriend. I thought the guy was dumped, but they were just having a fight. She even secretly cheered for him. How cute.