On the topic of the moving or not moving thing again: Dad told her before she started school here that this time it shouldn't happen again so soon. It took her almost the entire time she's been there, but she's adapting finally and has friends. She set down roots. Then, he didn't even tell her they would be moving again. She found out because her classmate started reading her dad's blog when he posted that towel, and the classmate had to tell her about it because he and any of her father's random followers knew already, but not the daughter who should be aware of something directly involved in their lives. Not him, not even the mom, a classmate who she isn't even sure she can quite call her friend. If that is not a justifiable reason to finally lose her shit over years of this moving around stuff, I honestly don't know what is. The not telling her first himself thing, that was very bad.
She's also around a year or less away from the age where young people might start moving out of their family homes anyway. She has people besides her family she wants to be around, and she's at the age for seeking more and more independence. Whether it's seeing the dad less often a bit earlier because he's working out of the country, or a bit later because she's at college or whatever, something like this compromise they arrived at was likely around the corner.