Do we really need this silly comedic drama ? Like do we really?
It's not funny and it just stops romance progression so anti rom-com.
I found what i started to dislike in many low-quality mangas. It's always on defensive, stuff happens only around them while the don't do anything. This creates artificial dramatic element. Like in a natural way, stuff happens to you, to other and most of the time stuff happens because you were a stupid POS. In low quality manga, you sitting literally doing nothing and someone assaults you for the most outlandish reasons.
Question about this chapter...Out of all demons why did she pick out the most human friendly demons? Why not the spiders who literally have 0 romance in their minds simply semen extraction and mesmerizing? Why of all places did she attack the dorm where they are living? How did she get past without any security being signalled? Why and how did she attack during that moment specifically? How did the girls react so fast (all together) when the window was broken? (It seemed that they arrived 3 seconds after). Last, breaking the window without being injured or injuring..(This one isn't as important because even every manga uses this and doesn't question this) Also will she buy the replacement window? This shit costs a lot of money (+ potential damage to the room).
This fake ass artificial drama point kills any interest, stupidity doesn't equate to comedy, though comedy can use elements of stupidity, though moderation is the key.