Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2023
this guy has no good people around him that can boost his confidence at all or help him out. he doesnt even have anyone he can properly talk to about being rejected for 2 years and being called a loser by his own family. wish I could just talk to the dude and tell him "ay you may look ordinary but dont think that looks are the only way to get a girl." everyone around the fmc is always like "you just dont understand her" bitch hes been rejected for 2 years and tried to seriously ask her out only to be rejected. the girl even calls him disgusting.
I would rather he go after discipline girls then fl. He does have people it was a couple chapters ago and he was making friends with a new group of people. Sure the girl is little open and guy isn't all there but least they treat him right. Of course fl couldn't allow that 😔
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2023
Say what? He doesn't want his awful sister to be nicer to him? He prefers the verbal and physical abuse he's been taking from her for years? Broken man is broken, oh how surprising. He's become so used to it that the prospect of it disappearing unnerves him.

For the sister's part, she just has to become nicer, no matter what her Stockholm Syndrome suffering brother says. Just stop being abusive and become a better person. It's going to help drive change for him too even if he doesn't like seeing her become a nicer sister. He's become too used to the terrible status quo and that's not good. I'd like it if she actually did change. Maybe it starts a cascade of people around him changing for the better, ultimately leading to himself changing for the better. But should I really believe something like that is possible in this story?

Man, a lot of these characters love shooting themselves in the foot, don't they? That includes poster girl Aika who's a certified regular at self-sabotage. They'll probably be in for more misunderstandings and evasive "communication" next chapter.
It's also his mum that puts him down on a regular basis
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2023
I wouldnt be too surprised if this got the axe cause a lot of people will continue to drop this if it keeps going like this. The MC is just taking a heap of verbal abuse from everyone and not telling them to keep out of his business like bro if he doesnt try to stick up for himself im dropping this!
He says he's not an m but he totally is. Seems to like it when fl beats him up. One thing really bother me is sister let fl manhandle brother and say bad things about him
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2023
Yeah sad truth.

Men in general don't even get compliments as much as women, children, or elderly do.
Also in todays society it's horrible to be a man now. Your not allowed to be confident or any masculine traits and u should be ashamed of yourself because of patriarchy or something
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2023
So remind me again, why are we supposed to be rooting for MC and FMC to get together? She's still a giant toxic red flag and keeps doin things to the MC that just straight up look like harrassment. She wants to be with him but won't tell him her true feelings in any way while also dunking on him constantly and then keeps being suprised he's avoiding her or being non-plused about it all.

He seriously asked her out and she rejected him, what did she think was gonna happen? I've said this in other chapters too and the fact she knew he was being serious makes it so much worse. MC deserves a better partner and family for that matter.

Now onto the whole sister and mom thing, They are scum it's not playful sibling rivalry/teasing it's full blown mental abuse to have half your family constantly tell you degrading things. Anyone that thinks its just playful has never been in that situation to know how bad it really is. The sister asking to change was a good start but MC is so broken at this point he doesn't want her to change for the better cause he doesn't see it as natural.... Thats like super messed up that he's that broken and for me the family is iredeemable scum at this point as is FMC.
I think finish school leave town and I agree everyone treats him horrible but I think japanese standards would say it's OK because cute waifu. It's the same in every manga where a woman attack a man. It's OK as long as she's cute
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2023
Feels like the sister is less concerned with the MC's emotional state than she is with her own feelings of guilt. She knows she treated him like shit and now that he is spiraling down she's trying to apologize for her own self-satisfaction.

And that is just bullshit. You can't demand forgiveness. You can't push responsibility on your victim for the way you mistreat them. You want your relationship to be better? Start by being a better fucking person. Don't ask permission to continue treating them like shit, stop treating them like shit.
Yeah she wants to be forgiven for years of bad behaviour and the idea of her being nice is so bad he can't stand it and sees treated terrible as normal. His mother also treat him like garbage I wonder if we will see much of her
Mar 30, 2023
His sister did the same thing to him as natsukawa did. it was pointed out that she and their mother would badmouth him daily, like saying he is ugly and whatnot. In my opinion, she really doesn't care about him, she is just feeling depressed because she was one of the causes, not because of what he suffered.
The fmc is an absolute moron and the mc's family are all assholes. I respect his resounding patience
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2019
The reaction to this story is kinda interesting and not at all what I expected.
From my perspective, it's a story about a guy who was trying to "stretch beyond his means" (in his own mind) and finally cracked and started to hate himself and walk a self-destructive path of malaise.

But along the way there were people who always genuinely cared about him. His sister who would always bicker with him but never meant it seriously, it's just the awkward way different gendered siblings connect (at least to her). She was devastated when she realized that her brother had taken her words seriously.

The girl he had been bugging, maybe she doesn't like him romantically but she genuinely values him as a friend. He himself is the one who started this "game" of "harassing her" and set the tone from the beginning of their relationship. He never seemed that serious about dating her because he was always asking her out in a joking manner. Suddenly he gets serious and asks her out and she's caught out of left-field. Regardless of her romantic interest in him, she wants him in her life.

The girl's best friend also cares about him, that part is straight-forward.

Even the ikemen that the MC seems to dislike is always trying to talk to the MC and bring him into the conversation.

It's like a story of an MC who was always self-loathing and he played the fool, "reaching beyond his lot in life" until he eventually gave up. But all along, no one looked down on him more than he did. The people he compared himself to never looked down on him. His average face and "average personality" never seemed to actually lower other people's impressions of him.

His self-loathing twists his perception of the world. No one else even dislikes him, at most they are just immature and awkward around a guy who frankly sets up those types of relationships.

But the rest of the comments seem to think that everyone else around him is pretty terrible so maybe I'm tripping??
You're tripping.
His mom's treatment borders on (at the very least) child abuse.
His sister's the horrendous kind of person who pampers who she needs to and spits on who she can; to top it off she got butthurt that MC dropped FMC cold turkey and went to hot Prez for comfort and counsel, because of course she did.
Speaking of FMC, no wonder no other guy swept her away from under MC's nose (remember, to ALL the other characters there are no feelings for MC on her part). Dumb as a rock, violently tempered and wants all of the good from MC (his attention) and none of the "bad" (giving anything positive back).
Prez is aiming straight for sister's crotch and has the gall to demand that MC patch things up (?) so her guilt doesn't cockblock him.
Anyone else?
Oh, that other girl that fake-flirts with him and then "clarifies" she didn't mean a word of it. Man, she sucks.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2019
Also in todays society it's horrible to be a man now. Your not allowed to be confident or any masculine traits and u should be ashamed of yourself because of patriarchy or something
Dude, that's kind of not true at all. Even in dating being masculine and even a bit of an asshole is still VERY much attractive to a LOT of people. Of course, if you're hot you can be or do whatever the hell you like, just like always.

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