1. She caused that trouble lol everytimeline yuuna passed = happy end
2. Okay I'll give ya saving nonko but saving peace? She started all of the trouble for the 100th get that in your thick head, also saving nonko was like hey i save u so work for me, she should watch Stein's Gate lol
3. Yes yes she's thirsty, because Ryuuzen pitied her heck even I pity that thirsty $lut
I mean she ain't wrong lmao she judge someone who would be willingly sacrifice the tenants of Yuragi Inn
Ouga admit that herself at the end of Byakuei incident, pretty sure your the hypocrite here for calling out Ouga for her actions to Yuuna when Yuuna'e actions were worse
And that's pretty low of you to quote out the one who you are calling out (Ouga) for her own admission of wrongdoing but you try to justify Yuuna sacrificing the tenants lol you are textbook hypocrite
Blah blah you're pointing out a ton of irrelevant stuff, YUUNA STARTED ALL OF THIS, Ouga killing Kogarashi is Yuuna's own fault for intervening on someone's future who wasn't even born yet
TL;DR: Yuuna confirmed thirsty $lut bih